Hello my name is munchiemouth. I am 13 years old. I live in the United States "Wisconsin" so my time zone is central I mainly English and I speek little Spanish and French my school makes us. I personaly think that I should become mod because I am friendly and I enjoy helping new and old members. I can play every day for a good 2-4 hours. I believe I have played for about 7 months because i resently got awarded the elder rank on forms and I joined fourms about 1 month after I joined server. To be honest I was benned from survival for scamming. The moderaor didn't give me a chance to explain I couldent mine the spawners. I want to be better than that. I do and have experience with Owner developer and moderator. On my server I have read applications and I understand if this is too long. I love survival and skyblock. But I love all of your other servers.
You don't have to be a jerk I am on a mobile device and I have autocorrect. I don't know how to turn it off. I apologize for the errors. I tried to groups the forum template questions like my personal I do is in one caption so on and so fourth. I Am 13 but its sad you would judg me like that.
Rating my post bad spelling is very immature you've showed me you do not deserve to be a mod. No support.