I am Currently elite and I am looking for Someone to upgrade me right now the store has a sale of 30% off all ranks so yeah think about it IGN : kingkilla619 Current Rank : ELITE Wanted rank : Supreme Cost : 21 $(usd) Kit PVP: 1.K and 1 sets of p4 with sharp v plain Minecraft : 1 minecraft account Skywar : 2.5k Prison: 150k ^ Please talk to me if your interested or if you want to negotiate with me Remember all this can be your for just 21$ 30%off mineverse store I will be checking on this constantly so please state your opinions (PM me If you have any questions) If Someone Can Upgrade Me From There Kindness From There Heart since its Christmas I Will Highly Appreciate it for the rest of my life;) Oh And Merry Christmas!!
Cuz Im Poor :( I didnt get a christmas gift I need To wait and I doubt she will want to waste money on a 21$ rank in a game My life is Sad:( I don't have a Dad its only my mom and my brother and sister
A minecraft account ... worth it for the person who would upgrade you. Just a note though, what you offer is worth more than the upgrade.
If Someone Could Get Me God Cost : 35$ Msg Me And We can talk about a New Deal Hoping To get upgraded To Supreme Or God Since I cant and didn't Get a Christmas gift I would Love this So please Msg Me For A Deal
its the all of it, like Kit PVP: 1.K and 1 sets of p4 with sharp v plain Minecraft : 1 minecraft account Skywar : 1 k Prison: 150k a;; pf that
@kingkilla619 ok I will have to rank you up to supreme tomoz because my paypal is empty and I really need money? deal? ign:26862 :payment elite to supreme 21$ and all the options there? date for rankup tommorw 28/12/2014. ill pay the extra money ok.