Hey guys thanks for coming in and reading this. But thats not the point, Heres the point. I'm leaving MineVerse.. (as you can see in the title) I am just completely sick and tired of all these people viewing me as the person I was in the past. I don't appreciate that. Also I have been on this server since the beginning.. almost. And not once have I seen the someone tell me" Hey XarticXmaster89 How are you doing.." Not once. I'm just tired of being a no one on this server. A year and a F****** half and not once have I ever been known. It's stupid I'm on 24/7 supporting this server and the staff and they never say thank you.. NOTHING. Its like I'm not even there. If I am not accepted into this community then why stay?? Posting this was very hard but its was gonna happen sooner or later. So why not now.
Dude no i have only wanted to be mod like once before and i then realized no i dont because i dont think i can take on this big responsibility so
Well you talk about how you've been playing since the start of the server etc etc., you're not thanked by staff etc etc. Can I ask you, when was the last time you gave appreciation to somebody? Answer that for us.
I don't know you but try to make a few really close friends that seem nice to you. I mean if you just stay on a gummed vote and then keep playing but not talking with others then that won't get you any friends. Just saying.
Even though I don't know you that well I am sad to see anyone leave the server. I know that everyone has problems in their lives and they think no one cares or gives a crap about what is going on in their life. I understand that. Thanks for being a part of this server and everyone's lives. :(
Isn't this exactly what he meant by people not forgetting his past? Excuse me if I'm incorrect. Sad to see an older player go, farewell.