My exact in game name is: LeBrand My purchased rank is/was: Titan My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: It says my packages were credited but I had not received Titan. Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: I took this picture yesterday. Sadly I do not have the email receipt because it was my mother who had made the payment.
You will have better results getting this issue solved by emailing Cyp directly at: [email protected] Include all the information you provided here. Be patient. These things can sometimes take time. Best of luck.
I'll tag a few mods to see if they can add you to a BuyCraft rank fix list in the staff section. @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123 @canucksfan44 @Chloyybear4ever @Firo3000 His fix is essentially the same as a skywars fix. Cyp just re-issues the rank from BuyCraft so essentially even tho this isn't a "Skywars" issue you could add him to that list and he will be fixed. Or if you have a list for running BuyCraft rank issues, add him to that? It's the same correction procedure for most of these BuyCraft issues.
Lebrand send an email to [email protected] and give them your recipt number of your purchase and show them a picture of you still being God.