DjRyanPrison GuardStaff Member Guard Hello michael, Your content in broke one of our rules located here . The posted content may have been removed. Please familiarize yourself with our rules if you wish to prevent any further disciplinary action. Thank you, The Staff. When All I put was /p h:2 @ScoFu13 @CypriotMerks
It was in help section. All posts in help section in threads not created by you are subject to warn. If you would like to file a report against me please go to the "report player" and subsection "report staff". Good day.
Was he trying to help in the help section, or just posting something useless? Not trying to cause problems, but people post in the Help section all the time.
Are you a Mod?....... No. Don't act, like one. ,,,,, Let, me, put some random Commas and Capitals all over just,, like my Boy Glitcher.,,,.,,
This wouldn't be a flame war if the user was answered professionally. No offence Dj. You are new, but maybe just answer next time instead of getting defensive? I'm sure if the user wanted to report you he would have. The message that the warning sends is unclear and if not edited can be rather confusing.