Then how am I to collect the rewards I voted for, let alone do that five times so I can protect my stuff in SkyGrid?
I think you only have to be in-game for Infection and BvZ. My friend told me he voted earlier this morning, and when he came on to play SkyGrid with me, it still gave him the emerald (Even though he voted a few hours earlier).
I voted over an hour ago. Have logged in multiple times sense. No rewards on any server or I wouldn't be asking how I claim them :(
Hmm, that's strange. Maybe you typed you name wrong on the voting website... (I did that a few times and was like: What? Rage!!! :P )
Are you sure about the BvZ? A while back I logged into BvZ and all of my infection votes stacked up and I had an inventory filled with gold... I don't think BvZ requires being in-game, though it could have changed.
Sounds like a bug... For a while a couple of months ago, you didn't get rewards from voting... You keep the gold bars until you enter an arena...
so, it turns out ive received rewards on blocks vs zombies, kitpvp but thats it. none of the other servers. If I cant receive my reward on SkyGrid next time I vote, i suppose I will be forced to find a server hosting SkyGrid that will allow me to protect my things, or atleast get my rewards from voting.
I voted this morning and got nothing. I was in-game also. I think voting is down again. If it is, there needs to be a change regarding the SkyGrid sponges immediately.
when i voted for my second time, i put my 12 year old fanless laptop through hell, and managed to take 10 minutes out of my day to vote(yes thats how long it took me) while i was ingame on SkyGrid and finally received an emerald. though i should have two of them since i voted twice, all i get is no help and 1 emerald. thanks powers that be for knowing about the issue and not even so much as giving an excuse as to why it wont be fixed anytime soon.