I first want to say that I love the new SkyGrid server, but... Some other users and I think that the price for a sponge (5 Emeralds) in /shop is too high since sponges are required to protect land. Here are some possible ideas we came up with: Lower the price to 2 or 3 Emeralds. Add a /kit protect that gives you a sponge. Give all users a sponge when they first join SkyGrid. Thank you for you time, and I hope this will be fixed!
What do you think the cooldown on /kit protect should be? Also, since /kit protect exists, isn't it kind of unnecessary to give all new players a sponge when they join? Since would exist, they could just use /kit protect as soon as they join/make spot to begin playing and building. (Perhaps a sign or announcement telling them to use /kit protect where they spawn when they join to notify them?) Otherwise, seems like quite a good idea.
About the cool down, I don't really know... Maybe every 24-48 hours or something... Also, I wasn't aware that /kit protect existed in SkyGrid... :p
It doesn't... Right? I meant if all three of your suggestions were implemented at some point, there would be one. Edit: I realize where the confusion originated in my first post, cleared that up a little bit.
I have no problem voting for a server that I enjoy playing on, but when we are forced to vote just to be able to protect our builds ETC ETC, @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks id rather not play at all. I mean if there is another way to get emeralds in SkyGrid please let me know because I've found over 40 chests with no emeralds.
Does anyone know you can add people to the sponges? I recently got myself one but only 1 person can place it and break blocks. I am cooping btw.
Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to that... If you find an answer, please let me know how you would do it as I would like to know also!