I saw the ranks here on the server and god was FLIPPING 100 DOLLARS!!!!! mineplex hero is almost HALF the price!!!!!! Im new here and I am wondering if getting a rank here is really worth it.
Don't buy a rank right off the back. Get to know the server, if you like it then sure donate if you want. If you don't then just leave.
Ditto. If you want to try out a fairly costed donor rank, start with MVP. Also, MVP is 35% off in the shop right now.
Lots of perks many people think it is worth it though im a god i buyed it because i wanted to help the server and get cool perks
It depends if you have money to spend. I used my own money to buy God rank and don't regret it at all :P
tbh I love ranks. They are not just to help you, but to help the server and it's owners. Also, its your choice. Ask yourself, "Is it worth it?"
After my experience, no. Making lots of friends that have a God rank is almost the same. But tbh at the end of the day... we're just donating for the advantage over other players. I don't think anyone gives a crap, they just say it to act all poetic.
It's experience, if you do not play the server much suggesting do not buy a rank unless you actually want to help out the server, The ranks are expensive because they have good stuff in there kits and commands. If you upgrade you self every know and then you will feel like you have not payed much on the server. but you actually have i would start if your new to the server and you looking to donate VIP is a good donation rank that is good for Enderpearls it has the most kits. It's great you can earn some money from selling Enderpearls. also making some new friends. My Answer: Ranks are worth it if you love the server like i do and most other players. that are on the server. They can be worth as much as you think of them to be. There great i would suggest buying one it is cool thanks.
Coming to this thread and seeing that people seem to have missed the point that a donation is there to support the server with perks as incentive and/or a thank you for donating... That being said, if you like the server, yes; donations will help it grow and stick around.
Honestly, no. You know you could be using that money to buy something better in real life that will last for a while. You never know when a server will go boom. It probably won't happen soon but you never really know