News report a lot of you guys may have seen of an anonymous guy giving cops money so they can pull over people struggling financially and give it to them for Christmas.
Here are the things that make me happy. Looking at this will reveal how silly and stupid I am. (and crazy but I was too lazy to put another coma.) Spoiler Pr0m g()()gle ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ chess ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ Numbers from 0.2311-0.23110001 Speak geek brïtïšh babies (they're soooo cute y'know!!!) my silly bruh being hyper being drunk purple blood santa hes so fat y'know the phrase 'U WOT M8' friends pokémon mc mv YT peace my first shoes 3DS Illuminati 666 ∆ apple apple (the company) korea fireworkzzz