Hello there folks, just some unimportant news. I own and operate a blaze grinder I recently made. Its all going good. Then I log in today to be told by BlockheroRS that he made a warp to my blaze grinder, to which I can't seem to figure out how he even got there unless someone I allowed in let him tpa without my knowledge. But, i asked him to leave disable the warp what have you. when he said no, I said ok fine i'm gonna tear the grinder i made down and break the spawner. he then proceeded to threaten me by kicking me out of "the team" as he put it and said if I did that I was signing my own death warrant as he would kill me on sight and not give my stuff back. so I said ok deal! but instead of tearing it down, I just decided to do what I am in the right to, and build on my own property. If someone that has no permission to be on my property puts a warp there, I have no control over that, especially after asking them to remove it. so naturally I cant help if that warp is now covered up by whatever means I choose as i'm building on my own claimed land and no one elses. As its my property, I didn't want the warp to begin with, nor did i know about it until today. He seems pretty mad and was raging for a while, so I just decided to come share this news and let him hopefully cool down a bit.
@Pile_of_Butts I am in the right here aren't I? I just want to clarify for everyone who is thinking about putting their warp on someone elses land that it might get built over and maybe they should ask permission first, especially if its in a pvp zone.
Yep I know how u feel.Ever since that piersabout came into my Mesa biome and set a warp there.I was sooooo mad that I want him gone.I was raging
yea he was a ex member of my team and he made a warp on my land and kills me all the time and he gor mad and i reported him for swearing so he can stop killing me and because i wanna play on a safe server