Using a mac right now, but that's because I'm not home :P I'd usually go onto my computer, with Windows 7.
-Open- Minecraft Name: bnraiff Age: 12 3/4 Skype Name: no Skype :( Time Zone: EST What part of redstone are you best at (pick three from the list and put an "X" in the brackets) [/ ] Adapting redstone to buildings (Blending into the buildings, etc) [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact) [ ] Ideas (Cool redstone things that would work in a place) [ X] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively) [ X] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag with the trap) [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there's no ways to exploit the contraption) [ X] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it) [ ] Knowing where your contraption is going (Knowing mistakes or bugs with the servers where your redstone is going, i.e. Water/lava flow off in mcsg) [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team) Provide pictures or videos of the three categories chosen above that you have done: Are you in another build team? **the / means kinda
Just a few things to add. Since you have no Skype, can you use TeamSpeak, or make a Skype account? finish the last two questions. Edit: just noticed there was a mistake in the application form, I'll go fix it.
Minecraft Name: Daniel9757 Age: 14 Skype Name: Daniel9757 Time Zone: SG/KL Please fill out the corresponding sections so that we can figure out what your strongpoints are: Redstone: What part of redstone are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets) [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact X) [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively X) [ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it X) [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team X) Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above: Building: What part of building are you best at (pick 2 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets) [ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc X ) [ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs X) [ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be X) [ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many X) [ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit X) [ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing - X [ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library X) Provide pictures or videos of the two categories you chose above: Have you ever been in another build team? Build Team for CookieCraft Are you willing to do a trial of each if accepted? Yes This may seem to good to be true but I am handy with redstone, worldedit & building.