Recently there has been a huge update on Mineverse OP PvP, where there has been more items added into the server which means you need more space in your enderchest. I was wondering if you could add /pv 1,2,3, etc. So that we could store more valuables . This was a problem since the start of OP PvP. Yes, people could do /pv while in combat and store all their valuables to not lose them but you could make it so people can't do /pv while in combat for 15-20 seconds. This would be a great addition to the server and it would be cool if it can be added. This will help the server heaps. ONLY FOR DONORS Even though I've stopped playing minecraft, it would be great to still help the server out. Thank you.
Adding a cool down similar to a combat tag (10 seconds) would seem perfect. An addition to donor ranks? /pv or /chest would be awesome. SUPPORT!!
No support(Not that it matters) You have an enderchest, an enderchest keeps your and only your items for you, if you want to keep "valuables", you obviously won't have many, so keep them in your enderchest. Basically you're saying that because you don't want to lose your items there should be a command that lets you be a cheap-?.. There are kit cooldowns for a reason, and if you're truly "out of combat" you can do /spawn...