I have personally seen several people such as IN1NJAI and gangstallama456 on op prison afking for voter keys. I saw them in an afk pool at their plot and I /invseed them and they had voter crates in their inventory. Please make afk machines bannable, they could get a full inventory of crates overnight and then they would be op as hell. Please do something about this, thanks.
Edit - People are also auctioning trip wire hooks instead of crates trying to scam people, auction scamming like this should also be bannable.
You can't auction tripwire hooks anymore & if they want to AFK let them you'll be making a lot more money I don't see the problem.
You make about 100 mil with crates. But I made 1 bill in 5 minutes in Warp K. Let them afk for a hour and make 1 bil but in a hour I could make 10 bil.
Already did add the plugin but not adding the permission yet as I have to re-work on the sell signs which I will do when I have the time.
1k isn't much :P And it wasn't last night. It couldn't be- Cyp disabled auctioning plain tripwire hooks like.. 4 days ago.
1k is a lot for people who dont have much money. And yes it was last night (now 2 nights ago) in regular prison, not in OP prison. I was on when it was done, goldminernick did it. Also, auctioning tripwire hooks isnt disabled n regular prison, I just tested it out and it auctioned. I cancelled the auction as soon as it started, but it went.