This should get pinned, just so all of Mineverse can view the childish copy and paste skills of Crakr.
Well don't we have a treat? I'm sure she'd love to. You can tell Crakr is one of those people that sits up for hours thinking of jokes to Google search the meaning.
He is from I believe, he said "Cyp is slowly letting the server die", and it pissed off Cyp, he got banned and it all started cause this guy made a thread about "Innapropriate structures" on Terrick's island. Lots of shi... stuff happened that few days... at least that's my interpretation of the story :/
CypriotMerks works hard and you probably just sit around making fake Ip's Cyp is really nice and you really have no right to talk. good thing you're forums is banned
Good work Cyp. Getting this scrub out of here. Cypriotmerks and noob work VERY hard to make the server the best it can be, fun and that there aren't many bugs and issues with the server. He and noob releases fun Games. And none of what you have said is true. So scram Skrub. No one wants you here
No matter how much rage you`re in, it won`t work make a thread about how Ugly,mean and all that crap, you should think before you make a fake accounts, and saying about other people, in my opinion ofc