Hello Proskillz here, if you can tell by the title how would you uses admin? Type in anything you like to uses if you were admin on mineverse. Here's mine: I would come on daily and help new people. If their is a report that someone tells me about I will check it out. If it is a report with proof I would ban the hacker. If their is a spammer I will mute them/kick them And I will read all suggestions and say good things if I like it. Hope you all enjoyed this cya
And while you two are enchanting overpowered swords, Cypriot is going to be hanging around in the back polishing his ban hammer.
If I was an Administrator of Mineverse I will... Vanish & Troll players. (Better download fraps, brb) /Nuke Ha, this will be a blast! Get it, haha. /Kill hehe, no one will see this coming. I will ban Noobcrew coz yolo. Please, someone direct me to the section to apply for admin.
iz from plenet mc cn i hes adem thx im rude il greef ur server lololol im 6 ad my ded wurks fer thu peiple who med mincrat
Doomsday Prepers.... "Im preparing for the total destruction of mineverse carried out by Cypriotmerks".
I would probably add more infection maps. I wouldn't be able to do anything else cause I would be so busy making more and more and more and more......... infection maps.
I would check Important thing like ranks, Server Bugs etc. I would spend time into other servers for all the game modes they have and see if i could add any of them to our server but different. Another thing i would do is put out build apps for people who know how to build perfectly. In the forums i would put up a server decoration section for people with idea's of lobby's, In-game spawn stuff like that .
There are two types of people that comment on this thread: 1. People that kiss to make themselves look responsible meanwhile they wouldn't do half of the things they said they would do 2. People that comments how they would troll 24/7