Ask what I think of you in MY opinion ,I'm going to be straight up honest with you. If I don't know you or have an opinion about you I apologise ;)
Your cool I see you in most of the news feed I get you seem like a positive and bright person to me. :>
Your a great role model for me like MADISONJR I look up to people like you I really like how you have a great sense of humour and still can be serious :D
Your a person I know a little bit about your kind and thats all i know so far i havent got to know you enough ;)
Your the hottest person on mineverse : > and your such a good person and so epic <33 you are a bright person and you have a good sense of humour :P
Your a person that always has great idea's and I can always relate to posts you make in threads your also a neat person ;)