Umm, I am giving respect why are you acting weird? I never said that he didn't do anything for the server. Next time think before you say that I was making a joke. I never put a smiley or laughed did I?
You're about as dishonest as whatever you do in incognito mode. The context in which you said it was extremely disrespectful from my point of view, and from a view others considering the post ratings I got, if you want to give people credit give them credit, not hint at them being demoted. Tip: This is a thread for former Mods and you're appreciating a current Mod.. also commenting on his activity, which suggests you're assuming he's going to be demoted. "Next time think before you say" Your argument was about as good as a conversation as talking to a brick wall, might wanna work on your contradictions.
Why the hell am I on this list lol? If anything, remove me please, and add the important ones you forgot.