I will give the first 3 people to use their vote to vote for me instead $10,ooo in Prison. Thats two days worth of votes in one day. I will know if you voted for me if I have more votes than days on this website.http://votemv.com/page/542085/about Please message me if you are going to vote for me before you do, so I know people don't take credit for your vote and take your prize money. I'll also throw in two stacks of exp bottles for each of the three people who vote. Thank you.
I've been told (Not specifying who) that other players with different IP addresses can vote for me in the same day I have already voted. Therefore I receive two votes in a day. The person who told me this wasn't entirely sure that this would work, so while trying to get more votes I'm also testing if getting votes from other people will work.