Yeah this totally isn't late at all but I'm bored and my exams just finished so y'know, why not? Also it's a good way for me to start getting a lot more active on the forums again. It goes without saying that tbhs will be, well, as honest as I can get them to be, but there's no need to take offense. My opinion on you isn't the end of the world. So throw your tbh requests at me, don't expect a complete essay but I'll try my best. ;)
Could've been better ;) Tbh I've seen you on kitpvp and from what I know about you seem like an alright person. I don't really know you that well though. Tbh your mini-modding skills are op and I know you really want to help the server and I do have respect for that but I think that you could be a little more respectful to others around you and their opinions. Tbh you are amazing with computers like um I can't even download optifine but anyways RESPECT for that. You're a pretty great person. Also your faction is pretty sexy btw. ;) Tbh you can be really really weird at time *cough ebola milkshakes* but I admire you for what you've been through, I don't know how you have the strength to pull through but you're. Don't let anything or anyone get you down, you're great. <3 Tbh you seem like a pretty cool person but I don't know you that well c: sorry