I haven't seen you in-game, and I haven't really seen any posts from you on the forums, so I have no idea what you're like.
You're 'aight. :t: I have never really talked to you, and I don't see you on forums much, so idk. Hai.
Idk if I already did one for you, but oh well. First, Happy Birthday, hope you're having a good day (even though you slept through most of it). You are very, very annoying, but we haven't fought yet today, so I guess that's good. You are an amazing sister and I love you. c;
hi You're really nice and I think you'd make a great mod. cx You're obsession with Taylor is too much tho. xD Overall, you're a pretty cool person and we should talk more.
tbh I haven't talked to you much but you seem cool and we should get to know each other better. Apparently you're always being accused of hacking on infection which is really funny to me but k. c;