I'm doing this TBH thread thingy again because the last time i did it, it wasn't much of a "TBH", in fact, they weren't really TBH's, they were just nice ways of saying "I hate you". Now I don't hate everyone, but for this "TBH" I'm going to actually be "brutally" honest, like everyone said they would be, and in the end they weren't. So, if you want to comment below, I'll give you one. But, if I know and you know that there is a lot of hate between us, then I'm probably not going to be giving you one, because I'm not risking getting forum banned again. If I do end up giving you one, it'll be through an inbox. If this means losing a few friendships, then so be it.
When I first met you, I thought you were just one of those noobs with the stupid watermelon skin who would join forums and then never come back, but my have you made your way up the ranks.. First of all, you're quite annoying, and rude. It's not every day you do it, but when you do, you just become very unlikable. You were immature, and you still act like it in some ways. The phrase you once used "lolcats"? What the hell. That's not funny at all, it's annoying. I won't even begin with the cat army. I can't just say you're annoying, because then I would be a hypocrite myself. I don't like you very much. Maybe not at all. You're still here so it's just a matter of putting up with you, but eh. The only thing positive would probably be the weekly updates, which is very helpful. I think you've come a long way with the community, so much that you do those now. My first impression when I met you was over achiever, and that's a compliment, mind you. I think you really were a leader figure when Mineverse first came along. You ran the biggest faction on Factions, and you still do (When am I going to get invited :t: ) We have a love/hate relationship going on, which I've already told you before. It's an interesting romance friendship, but apparently we can both live with it, so we're good. Sometimes you can be rude and annoying, but I've already told you.. love/hate I think all I have to say to you is that I have a pretty good amount of respect for you. You are creative, interesting, weird, but in a good way, and racist. I don't know you very well to form an opinion about you. As much as I know about you, you're a very sweet girl. I really wish we could get to know each other better. I would like to get to know you more I have been seeing your replies and stuff, and you don't sound like the mean type Zulfqar is an interesting name. I don't really know you very well. You are 49 years old o.o playing Minecraft, which I think is fine honestly. You seem very mature, but a little rude to people who seem to offend you. I understand, because that's what I usually do xD You're a nice man as long as you've been here. Myrla. Hmm. I don't know you very well, but you were the one who came to me first for help when you joined the forums cx You are also a sweet human being. I really like your positivity and personality. I've seen you in-game probably only once. I like your sense of humor as well Hmm. I don't know you very well. I know you have an incredible amount of love for pickles, but I'm here to tell you, that I hate pickles. heh. Doesn't necessarily mean I hate you. I like your attitude, not to offensive, but not to forgiving either. minecraftgal. I guess the first time we actually said something to each other was on IRL Pics, where I got mad at you about a fake picture. We seem to share a good amount of love to Taylor Swift music I think I posted a reference to One Direction one time, and you seem to like that too xD
I appreciate that.. but racist? lol What I said on that realm and on Skype was me not being able to think of anything else to say. I have never acted like that in the past and never will again.
Im a cat, not a melon, you noob. And a cat has 9 lives, so good luck getting rid of me. How could you join the faction when you hate me lol :/