Hello, I am __EliteGamer__, in-game, and I have really enjoyed playing BvZ (Blocks vs Zombies), but just in-case you don't know how to play fully, i'm posting a thread, about how to play, what to do, and how you could success your game into winning. 1. You'll spawn at the spawn point, where you can select certain games, that you would wish to play on, and that you can choose for yourself, with a team of 2, 3 or 4 players. There are currently 15 different game's, that you can join on, all with a team of 4 or less, but you cannot go solo. Right click one of these signs to get into a game! Click this link if you're not sure of where to click. 2. Once you're in the game, you can see the whole arena! It isn't that big, but it's still a fun place to play! You can click this link, to see what the arena looks like. 3. You'll start off with points, and a bow with 1 arrow. I'll start with the points. The points, essentially mean, when you kill a zombie, with your bow, you have the availability of buying barriers / cannons. If you click here, you'll see the points, on the right side of your screen. When you have 10 points, you'll be able to buy barriers, in total, there are 9 barriers in total, with different colour wool to represent which barrier you open. There are 3 types of barriers; Wall barriers, field barriers and open barriers. These barriers, will slow down zombies, so they don't reach the lava, which will end the game, meaning you'll loose. The cannons, cost 30 points, which shoot cactus out of the cannons on the fields, which will instantly kill the zombies. 4. The gold, which you obtain through voting, or killing zombies, are used for the villager, called Crazy Ed. Crazy Ed, is a villager, who has cool trades, which include, better bows, instant kill potions, etc. Mostly items that kill the zombies easier. Once you get the required amount of gold, you'll be able to purchase an item which Crazy Ed owns, and these items are unlimited, so everyone can buy them, over and over again. 5. When the zombies reach the lava, the game will end, with a message "Zombies have reached you! you loose! you survived (Time survived). Teleported to Block vs Zombies lobby. 6. When I play, I firstly, start off by getting 20 gold, then buying the Grizzly Bow, then saving up, to buy 1 stack worth of gold, of Heal Bombs. Then, i'd save up for the Uppers. After that, I just play, till I need new items/objects. If anyone would like anymore further explaining, be sure to watch a full video of explaining, how BvZ works. Thanks for reading, have a great day. - @xxELITE
@HipsterChick You don't agree that maybe a title with each section is suitable? For example; Peter (random name) doesn't understand what to do with gold, and checks the Forums to read the threat made by xxElite. He finds it and wants to look at the section he needs help with. But if there is just a bunch of text, then he's wasting his time.