Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Programmer007, Dec 7, 2014.
Post your GF in the comments
ur mom
This is stupid and not necessary. No offense
What the ****?? And mcnerd 1v1 me when Im not lagging u eZpZ, Take this thread off this is just.. no
I'll post a few I know DaddyHF=MommyHF Rachet=Kitkat Cyp=Terrick Noob=Crew ScoFu= ?
BTW GF = Grand Father and Mcnerd you have a weird family THIS THREAD IS A JOKE
Lolz WIERD grand fathers
You're a joke @Programmer007
Great, lol nice joke. (Not). This is not funny at all.
Where's the dumb rating when I need it most?
my mom
@purifiedbws huehue
Moved to off topic
I'm straight though...
WHAT WOW </3 :t: