Ok this glitch has been happening to me for about 2 years. When I logged on I was about to prestige but the levels don't count. Now I'm pissed off. Heres me shows a before and after on when I had 122 then I died and got 51
It shows a ton of glitches, how I'm not "Allowed to prestige" and how I'm still Gunnery Sargent, I would've been like lvl 10 prestige if the glitch just stopped, someone help @Taylor @canucksfan44
You have to vote whilst in the game(having your minecraft window still open with infection still playing,this will mean the levels stay.
No, you voted on a different gamemode, but you didn't recieve the Infection levels, in order to recieve the Infection levels, you actually have to be on Infection while voting.
I've never had this glitch on my other account which was all the way at prestige 8 almost 9. Oh woops, the voting glitch xD um yea it sucks. ;-;