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  • SA [United Kingdom] Zulfqar's Staff Application [Updated] [Global]™

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Zulfqar, Dec 3, 2014.

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    1. Zulfqar

      Zulfqar Well-Known Member

      Nov 26, 2014
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      Greetings. Welcome to my Moderator Application. You may address me as Zulfqar. I am a proud Mineverse member, and I have decided to create a moderator application. I have been playing Mineverse for a while now, and I have enjoyed every single moment of it. I would like to help out this beautiful community by moderating it. I felt like applying for staff because I don't see as much staff on as there used to be, but gradually, it's getting better, and I believe I can add to that ''getting better'' part.

      How old are you?:
      I am currently nineteen years of age.

      Your in-game name:
      My current In-game Name is Zulfqar.

      What time zone are you in?
      My current time zone is Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00).

      What country do you live in?
      I currently reside in London, England.

      What languages do you speak?
      I can speak many different languages; from strongest to weakest, I can speak: Arabic, English, Urdu and some German.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Now, I think I have many great reasons for becoming a moderator for Mineverse. I know today is the right day for me to create this application. I would like to give the Mineverse community help in hand, I am usually quite active, and I and many others believe and know I could be a choice for the position. It may also be a way of giving back to the community, some may say. I am a long and devoted player of Mineverse, and now I would like to put something back to it. I love the server and do almost everything I can to help it. This can include enforcing the rules through other players making sure they follow them just as well as I am, reporting anyone who does not obey this procedure and being a nice guy on the server.

      -=Helpful=-: Helpfulness is one of the most important reasons to become a moderator. What use would a staff member be on here if the best thing on the ''unable to do list'' was helpfulness. On the server, I am continually moderating the chat, looking for people to help. I have given a lot of help to this server. I love helping and it is my main priory to help people. I am always trying to help. Every day when I log on to the server I still put help first rather than playing; people are always looking for help, and I am usually the person to help them. Overall, maintaining is right, and I love it because it is so easy to do and can help out the person you are trying to assist, as well as putting a lovely smile on their face.

      -=Active=-: Being active is also very important. I am always active, and I will always try to be active. I am very active both in-game and forums. I love being active, and this is also important. Most of the current moderators are not as productive as I would like to them to be, and I would want to put a stop to the inactivity that's been going on. I am quite sophisticated and very active, being online for an average of 6 hours a day. Being active is a big thing in moderating, and I believe I display this feature quite well, well enough to enforce it as a staff member. Being online frequently is vital as you need to do your job so you must be there to do it and I am on more than enough to complete this requirement.

      -=Trustworthy=-: I think that I have a lot of trust. I always keep my promises, etc. I believe that a moderator requires a certain amount of confidence that is acceptable. Even though I may have committed minor things in the past doesn't mean I am not up for the job. I have never said anything evil or scammed or hacked even though I have been scammed many times. I feel it's not fair. I have learned many things from playing Mineverse with such good friends, and now I think I am ready for the job. Being trust able can give you many advantages, one of them being a hit in the community.

      -=Honesty=-: In addition to Trust to receive staff you must be honest. I have never lied, and I always keep my promises. I always tell the truth no matter what. If you be honest, it will make everything better, and I think I have that level of Honesty. A staff member must be fair to succeed on this type of server, If I lied all the time, it would create more trouble for you and most of the community, and that is not what we want. When I am asked something I always, always be honest. I tell them everything and anything they ask to my extent. Not in a snitch kind of way, a way in which the problem can be resolved in. Even though the person has done wrong is no mean for you to go ahead and lie, so in that matter, whenever I am asked something, I always speak of the truth and try to resolve any problem as soon as possible to save work ethic. I know I have majorly lied in the past, but I plan and know about being very honest from now on.

      -=Respectful/Polite=-: You have to be very respectful to receive Staff. I always see people being immature, and I want to put a stop to that. Staff must also be polite, and showing respect at all times, no matter what the situation. Again, this is important because they must be courteous to the community, so the players think good of the staff and the server. I am always respectful and polite to my fellow community and especially the team. I have never been disrespectful and always been courteous and probably ever will. There is no point of just being rude to people and just making their lives a misery, so I do not do it. I feel I always respect people and I always welcome new people to small things like this can be very important.

      -=Mature=-: You also have to be mature to show your Maturity. It also shows how professional you are. People to look up from your Maturity. Staff must be knowledgeable to show a good role model to the players. Armature players will not be satisfied and in my sense, should not get staff. Staff needs to be mature because if you weren't problems could occur and can cause chaos which we don't want and don't need.

      -=Friendly=-: I am very friendly, and I have also made loads of friends. I am also very friendly as this makes people feel that this person can help me with this or that or this person can solve this as this can address many issues and can save time. You must be friendly to the players of Mineverse. Yes, you need to be strict, but not enough to make players leave the server. I know this vital balance very well, and I will use it here if I do get accepted. I usually am very friendly, even if I am angry, I do not put it on the server as this can put adverse effects on it. I try my best to make everyone happy as best as I can with making sure I am doing the job correctly. I am extremely friendly, and I will always be.

      -=Responsibility/Hard-Working=-: I always do my best in everything I can. I am extremely responsible. I am very hard working. You must be responsible for staff on this server. You must be accountable for what you're going to take on. Whenever I am doing a set task, I usually do it above expectations, for example, I believe I have put significant effort into this application. I did because its good to do better and I always say to myself ''Only your best is good enough''. This means whenever you're doing something, do it at your best. I always use correct grammar, normally, people won't bother to do this simple and easy thing, but I do. That's what makes me unique, special as from the rest. I am very responsible because I have taken on many tasks on Mineverse. I have also been staff on many similar servers and have done successfully well there. Hopefully, the same can apply here but for the better. I also have my own server and I am responsible for the things on there so I do take on tasks and I do them responsibly; Whenever I want to get something done Its usually done and whenever I do something, I always put 100% Best effort so it looks really good and it makes me proud.

      -=Professionalism=-: On a Server like this, you need to do things to a certain extent, unlike most servers. You must carry out a specific role in which you must do what Crew and Cyp have asked the Staff Members to do, and I think I am capable of doing the things to a high standard, professionally. Whatever I am asked to do, I usually do it above expectations, that is called professionalism, prospecting what you do and that is what Mineverse staff lack, which disappoints me. But I am here always to put that right, whether if I am a staff member or not.

      -=Balance=-: A staff member must consist of a fair balance. You do have time to play, but you must be doing your job correctly as well. I always keep my balances reasonably, and I manage to fit in more staff management time than expectations. This is important because you must maintain your In real life with the server, which sadly, many staff members can't do. Even though In real life is essential, so is the server to Cyp and Crew so I'm sure they will be looking for users who can manage their time correctly, so the server gets its work done. You applied to be active, and when people say they are not engaged because of IRL issues bugs me a bit. Everybody does have IRL issues, but balance is about balancing them both correctly.

      -=Organized=-: A staff member must also be organized, linking with balance, the member must be able to put things in a particular order, and must be able to retain problems from getting bigger and bigger. In real life, I am a friendly, tidy person who always organizes things. Staff Members must know the importance of organization and must be able to do it while moderating, which I believe is a critical quality.

      -=Efficient=-: You must be efficient in doing things on Mineverse. This is because you can't take ages on one thing, you need to move on to get everything done, this is very important and can be used in many different ways. I have this useful quality within me, and I use it as best as I can. At the same time, I make sure I do put good effort into something while being efficient.

      -=Knowledge=-: I have a good sense of knowledge, at school, I receive good grades and know how to work things. I am very experienced with XenForo, the Server itself, and other add-ons like TeamSpeak etc. I have a server similar to Mineverse as in plugins, and I know how to use them. On the server, I consist my knowledge in many different ways, some of them being to inform donators of their perks and telling people commands and how to use stuff In-game. Staff members should have a good sense of knowledge because they must be able to use the things they are given correctly, so it can prevent problems and make things harder for people.

      -=Experienced=-: I am a very experienced Mineverse player. I first joined over 24 months ago and I have learnt a lot since then. I have got a strong connection with the server and know many many things about it. I first purchased Minecraft in October 2009 for my birthday so I am very experienced with it. I have also been staff on countless servers, also owning my own, owning a very successful server. Also, I have my own XenForo Website so I know quite a bit about that too. In addition to all of this, I am good with TeamSpeak and Plugins with the server so for a nineteen-year-old, this isn't bad. I know a fair lot of PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, JavaScript, C#, C++, and a bit of GFX. I also know how to use SSH and FTP so you have no problem if it gets to that point. I am a smart lad and know a lot about Computers/ICT and I enjoy doing it. But overall, I know the basic commands moderator receives very well, better than expected to make me do my job even better. I just love it and what it has to offer, making me love my moderating job even more.

      -=Active/Availability=- : I am always available to help as I stop what I am doing and help others first "Others First Yourself last" I say to myself. I can also be active on the server quite a lot on forums and in-game. I am very active, and I always will be. I am also available pretty much any time.

      -=Good Role Model=- : I always show people how to behave and act on this server and as this is being a 'Good Role Model'.

      I feel these are all the things you need to be a good and successful moderator if not more. All this shows me. It makes me what I am today as a person physically and spiritually.

      How long can you be active on the server every day?:
      Here is my weekly Timetable that I should always follow:

      Mineverse In-game and Forums:

      Monday: 2-4 Hours

      Tuesday: 2-4 Hours

      Wednesday: 2-4 Hours

      Thursday: 2-4 Hours

      Friday: 4-6 Hours

      Saturday: 6-8 Hours

      Sunday: 6-8 Hours

      Please also note I also do work IRL.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?:
      I have been playing Mineverse In-Game for at least 5 years and Mineverse forums since 25th November 2014. It is not really about how much you play; it's about how you play and what you play.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?:
      I have been banned once incorrectly of my two years on the server.

      Do you have any experience as a moderator?:
      I have been Staff on many different servers but have moved on since they do not need my help anymore. I also have a great experience with those servers. I know how to administrate and how to moderate. I have also had a trial version of the XenForo Forums and currently own my own.

      What servers would you be applying for?
      I am applying for the global position. I am applying for this because I usually play a vibratory of game modes and being a global mod would enable me to help out all across the Mineverse network.

      Extra Information
      This is my first application, and I understand if it isn't the right fit. I do like to put time and effort into everything I do. It's just how I do things, if there is something wrong, then just pop me a PM over the forums, and I'll get to you. I did put time and effort into this application, and this is what I think and believe is the right thing to do.

      Thank you for your time. I appreciate that.
      Last edited: Sep 1, 2018
    2. Zulfqar

      Zulfqar Well-Known Member

      Nov 26, 2014
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      Reserved Post.

      Note after Application

      As many of you know, I did some pretty stupid stuff on Mineverse, I even upset Cypriot at a time, which I highly regret now. I wanted attention, but I was asking for it in a completely wrong and disgusting way. I majorly lied to the community and shocked and upset some of my strongest and best friends. I would just like to say that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I did and for all the stupid and wrong stuff I did while I was here. I will never ever do anything of such again. I understand that wring a simple note like this doesn't make a difference, but I will also show that I am sorry for changing my actions. Some may say, 'Sorry is not enough', well, I agree with those people, I will change my ways and put the past behind me; and so, if I do somehow luckily get promoted, I will moderate in a stable and strong manor, I give back to what I did to the community. Thank you.

      ''Don't look back, you've already been there.'' - Robert Kennedy

      Sorry, I had to put this here because I reached the 15000 character limit. Also, I would add more information to the thread, but again, I hit 15000 characters.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?:
      As of this question, I have been staff on many big servers, including <Please do not advertise other server forums>​

      It's not really about the application, it is about how you act in-game and on the forums. I hope you understand that.

      Remember to post your feedback.
      Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
    3. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      I have never seen you until very recently.
      Become more "well-known" on Mineverse before I give my support.
    4. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Hi Zalfquar,

      You would be perfect for this position.
    5. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Hello there, you've recently joined and already you are fitting in perfectly.
      Maybe become a little bit more active and then you'll have mine.
      (Also nice application)

      Good luck! :)
    6. Arvedi

      Arvedi Experienced Member

      Oct 30, 2014
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      You are a very matured individual; I think you would be great for moderator. I haven't really seen you online, and you could use a bit higher profile. I really admire you, and I think you would absolutely rock for the job, so support.
    7. Zulfqar

      Zulfqar Well-Known Member

      Nov 26, 2014
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      I am usually on a lot but Thanks for the feedback.

      Thank you Ares.

      Thank you flare :). Feedback helps a lot :).
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2015
    8. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I suggest removing the "buying a rank" part, because it is seen as bribery to staff members.

      Otherwise, Support :) You are a great and mature person.
    9. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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    10. Futurestar16

      Futurestar16 Active Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      I want to support but I cant 100% support; I can only 100,000,000% support
    11. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      No support, on the thread, IRL Pics, you posted a picture of 'yourself' when it was a famous Canadian person. Either this was a joke or you the we're dumb. :-:
    12. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Support!!! :)
    13. namechangepleasehaha

      namechangepleasehaha Experienced Member

      Jun 19, 2014
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      I support.

      Good app bud!
    14. Kubasliz ®

      Kubasliz ® Experienced Member

      Aug 8, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Nope. No Support.
    15. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      That's no reason to not support. He meant it as a joke, but some people don't have a sense of humor :/
    16. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      Support you have shown great maturity and have given great constructive feed back on other applications and have taken your time with this application. Support
    17. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Mate, upper, I supported. Recently I found it out was a joke. I do not know things right at first sight, no one does. Also, if he did lie about himself, that is a strong, valid reason I can not support. :-:

      Re-support, due to I've found out the reason. Good luck :)
    18. Zulfqar

      Zulfqar Well-Known Member

      Nov 26, 2014
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      Thank you.

      Thank you Pop :).

      Thank you jarroy.

      :). Thanks Futurestar.

      Oh I am sorry. Wasnt it clear that is was a joke? If it was not I apologise for the inconvenience I have caused.
      Thank you for your feedback.

      Thanks Hipster :).

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Thank you cupcake. I agree with your feedback.

      Good Decision. Thank you :).
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2015
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