What is the point of this thread like really, there is a "Report a Staff" for a reason. Like the format says, if you are trying to get a moderator demoted you will be punished. It's not like we are picking on the moderators, say I reported a moderator and it was their first day and I read this thread and thought "Aye I shouldn't report this moderator because it's his/her first day". Then I think about it and report him/her because I just felt like it was abuse in someway, this teaches the moderators what not to do in situations. This section wouldn't be made if we couldn't use it, you can't tell us what we can't do and what we can do. If the report is invalid we would be punished in someways.
I'm in no way "telling you what to do", I'm just saying I see this way too often and would appreciate if you actually considered why you were reporting them before you did.
That was because she was abusing. When they say "punishments" , they mean it to the player reporting.