Okay, so I see many Staff reports now-a-days that are targeting members of the staff team for basically anything they do. The entire point of a Staff Report is to report an issue regarding a member of the team and the questionable action they have done with the permissions entrusted to them, I understand that there are legitimate reports that need to be resolved as soon as possible or that need to be brought to attention but how some people have been going about it isn't right at all. Staff are always hired to help out the server for a reason, whether you agree with that reason or not, whether you like them as a staff member, friend etc. or not, it's not up to you, they're Staff, if they do make a mistake their first day please show some lenience as they most likely do not know any better if they've violated a minor staff rule, if there are repeated offences of this Staff member doing something you don't like and suspect is illegal you have the right to make a report, PM the staff member, or talk to another staff member about it. I do not like seeing Staff reports for the main reason of it mostly being invalid and a waste of their time, please try to refrain from making staff reports unless you are actually confident that it will be a valid report, not only does this waste the reported staff's time but it also causes them to lose confidence in their ability to do their job. The second reason I do not like Staff reports being made often is because players seem "eager" to report a staff member, excited, they seem to be pretty arrogant about it and that's not okay, a staff member, one of the people hired to keep this community safe and fun has broken a rule, abused, etc., this isn't something to be eager about, it's something that has to be done. Making staff reports shouldn't be enjoyable, it's not some game to entertain people, it's a report made against a member of the team that could possibly lead to demotion, in no way is this a good thing. People seem to want to report staff more and contribute to the reports more when they have a personal issue with them, this again is another reason I dislike Staff reports, it gives players a shot at "revenge", it can sometimes get out of hand. I encourage people to only make staff reports as a last resort, if you have an issue with a staff member feel free to PM him/her and if you get any questionable responses instead of valid answers then you should make a report, and it would assist you evidence-wise.(Keep in mind anything out of the Mineverse community does not link back to them in any way in the aspect of staff reports and cannot be recorded for valid evidence. Thanks for reading and post your comments/additions to this below. Have a nice day.
And? You think by making a thread it's going to have every single member look at it? That's not how you fix the issue, you enforce it.
The end result of this thread isn't to make every single person abide by the rules, it's simply to say a few reasons why I don't like people abusing staff reports and allowing others to post their reasons. This is clearly not being enforced enough, as it still keeps happening, maybe a harsher punishment should be given to show people what happens when you try to push your luck on the rules.