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  • A Guide to TeamSpeak 3 and the Server

    Discussion in 'Help' started by larrythebird101, Oct 19, 2014.

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    1. larrythebird101

      larrythebird101 Boss Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      Thanks to mindsensation for also helping with this <3

      TeamSpeak Rules:
      • Do not harass, abuse, annoy or disrespect other members
      • Do not threaten, blackmail, DDOS, DOX or discuss other illegal activity
      • Always have appropriate channel names, avatars and nicknames
      • Please do not use voice changers
      • Respect all Teamspeak server staff

      If you fail to follow these rules you may be kicked out of the channel and/or kicked/temporarily banned/banned from the TeamSpeak Server. (Note: After being given 3 tempbans you will receive a permanent ban which you will have to appeal for to be unbanned. If you see a mod not enforcing the rules please report it as it can lead to TeamSpeak demotion).

      For those of you that don’t know, TeamSpeak is an awesome application that lets you communicate with many people at once through a variety of channels located on one central server. The Mineverse servers just so happens to have a TeamSpeak server. It’s an amazing place where many new friends can be made. Most of the people that come on TeamSpeak will welcome you with open arms. So we encourage you to come on! Don’t worry, we don’t bite.

      Info for TeamSpeak 3 and the Server:

      Skyblock TeamSpeak 3 IP: ts.mineverse.com

      Computer Application:
      Downloads - TeamSpeak

      Apple iTunes Application: TeamSpeak 3 on the App Store on iTunes

      Android Google Play Application: TeamSpeak 3 - Android Apps on Google Play

      How To Fix TeamSpeak 3 Crashes: Teamspeak 3 Crashes Fix | Skyblock Forums


      Section One: How to Connect to the TeamSpeak Server

      Okay, now that you've downloaded TeamSpeak and started it up, now maybe you want to join our TeamSpeak Server :)

      First start up TeamSpeak like starting up Minecraft or any other application. Click on the "Connections" Button in the top left hand corner when TeamSpeak pops up

      Next click "Connect" in the little box that shows up in the corner

      Another little box should appear in the middle of your TeamSpeak like this

      Next enter the Skyblock TeamSpeak Server ip: ts.skyblock.net in the Server Address box. There is no password for the Skyblock TeamSpeak server so no need to worry about that. Though some other TeamSpeaks may have passwords. As soon as you connect, you’ll be sent to the AFK channel. We’ll go over the channels in Section Three, so you aren't confused as soon as you join. (If you are in another TS and want to connect to two at once click the "In New Tab" button instead of "Connect" and you'll be connected to both).


      Section Two: The Basics of TeamSpeak and The Server

      This is about the basic buttons, ranks, etc. of TeamSpeak and our TeamSpeak Server. There are many other features that I can explain but simply do not have enough room in this guide, these are the more important features you should know.


      The explanation of these buttons is from left to right, these are the buttons you have in your toolbar when first getting TeamSpeak. If you want to add more buttons to your toolbar simply right click it and select "Customize Toolbar" where you can add or remove buttons to your liking for easier access to doing things on TeamSpeak.


      Away Button: This is when you want to notify to other players that you are away from TeamSpeak at the moment and will not be talking. Sure, we have the AFK channel, but this is a built-in button for it.

      Activate Microphone Button: This is for when you want to switch between talking on two separate TeamSpeak servers. Clicking the button will activate your microphone on the server you currently have open and disable it on the other one that is not open.

      Mute Microphone Button: This is for when you want to mute your microphone, so people can’t hear you or whatever is going on in the background. If you want to unmute your microphone simply click on the button again.

      Mute Headphones/Speakers Button: This is for when you don’t want to hear what other people are saying. If you want to unmute your headphones/speakers simply click on the button again.

      Subscribe Mode: This is for when you want to subscribe to all the channels within your permissions, this allows you to see who's in each channel. Simply click the button to subscribe to them and again if you want to unsubscribe to them all.

      Contacts: This is for when you want to edit someone that is in your contacts list. When clicking the button another window will pop up showing all your current contacts. People in green are friends, red are blocked, and black are neutral or muted. This is what the box looks like when it appears.


      Friends/Buddies: This is like a friend plugin on a server. You can add people as friends or "buddies" on TeamSpeak that specially inform you when they join into your channel. You can do this by right clicking on the person's name and clicking "Add as Friend". When you add them as a friend a prefix will show in front of their name and their name will turn green for you. You can edit this prefix by right clicking their name and clicking "Edit in Contacts".

      Muted Users: This is kind of like /ignore on the server. If you're annoyed at someone talking for something of the sort. You can mute them on TeamSpeak. If you add them to your mute list you will not be able to here them verbally talk.

      Blocked Users: This is also kind of like /ignore on the server. If you dislike someone for something of the sort. You can block them on TeamSpeak. This will specially inform you when they join your channel. If you add them to your blocked list you will not receive any messages sent by them to you or hear them verbally talk. You can do this by doing the same process as adding a person to your friend list but by using "Add as Blocked". When you add them as a blocked user a prefix will show in front of their name and their name will turn red for you like this. You can edit this prefix by doing the same process as editing a prefix for friends.

      General Commands:

      These are the general commands that all groups have on the TeamSpeak Server. Explanation is from top to bottom.


      Private Messaging: Just double click a person’s name on TeamSpeak or right click their name, click "Open Text Chat", and send them a message.

      Poking Clients: Sometimes people don't notice private messages so poking someone may get their attention faster or better. Right click their name and click "Poke Client". After clicking "Poke Client" you can enter a message to them, a box will appear in the middle of their screen or on their side bar with a verbal message of "Hey wake up!" along with your message.

      Changing a Client's Volume: If someone is too quiet or too loud for your liking you can change their volume specifically for you. Right click their name and click "Change Volume". You can move the bar left or right to change their volume.

      Setting Avatars: You can set an avatar like setting an avatar on the forums. Do not set your avatar that contains inappropriate material or discriminatory content. Right click your name and click "Set Avatar". The gif avatar size limit is 300 x 300 and 200 kilobytes.

      The Server Ranks:

      These are all the current ranks that are on the TeamSpeak server.
      Player Ranks:

      Guest: This is the group you are in when you first connect to TeamSpeak. They can do most of the basic commands in TeamSpeak, verbally talk, and join any channel beside the Donor Channels.

      Donor [ [​IMG] ]: Donor is for those who donated on at least 1 of Noobcrews server's. Donors have a Grass Block, Earth, or Cloud depending on the server they donated on. To receive Donor message a Moderator on the TeamSpeak and they will give you it. Donors have the ability to join the Donor Channels, Create Private Channels, and talk in Music Channels.

      Premium [ [​IMG] ]: Premium is a TeamSpeak only rank that you donate for. Premium costs $7.50 USD. To donate for this rank you will have to contact CypriotMerkz.

      - [Premium] Tag & Icon
      - Permanent Channel
      - Permanent icon for your channel
      - Option to enable/disable pokes in your channel
      - 16x16 icon

      You also have the ability to open up a text chat with CypriotMerkz if you wish to
      change your icons or enable/disable pokes in your channel

      Staff Ranks:

      Staff have the right to kick or ban you if you are being disrespectful, disruptive, posting inappropriate things or any other things deemed not allowed.

      TeamSpeak Moderator Rank [ [​IMG] ]: These are people who are only Moderators on the TeamSpeak. (You cannot apply for this rank, only certain players are given this rank).

      Moderator Rank [ [​IMG] ]: These are people who are a Moderator on one or more of Noobcrew’s servers.

      Super Moderator Rank [ [​IMG] ]: These are people who are a Super Moderator on one or more of Noobcrew’s servers.

      Administrator & TeamSpeak Administrator [ [​IMG] ]: These are people who are Administrators only on TeamSpeak except CypriotMerkz who is a server Administrator.

      Creating a Private Channel

      If you would like to speak to someone or multiple people in private you can create a temporary channel to do so. Right click a previously existing channel and click "Create Channel".

      Then enter a name for the channel and if you wish, a channel password if you only want certain people or none joining your channel.


      After creating the channel you can edit the channel to have a topic and/or description. Just make sure it has nothing in it that will break the rules. Failure to do so will result in your channel being deleted and if continued a ban on creating channels.


      Section Three: The Channels

      Our TeamSpeak channels may be confusing to some. There are multiple channels, and we’ll go over them here. If you want to connect to a channel, double click the channel and you will join it.

      Admin/Moderator Lounges:


      These are channels where only Admins and Moderators can go in to talk with other staff or just relax in.

      The AFK Channel:


      As soon as you connect you’ll be sent to the AFK Channel, no one except admins have the power to talk in this channel unless you are granted talk power by a Moderator or above. You also should go to this channel if you are going to go AFK.

      Channel Categories:


      A Channel Category usually refers to one of the many servers that Noobcrew owns. These are large channels that contain 2 smaller channels inside of them: Channel 1 and Channel 2. You can also just go inside of the Channel Category, if you want. Everyone has talking power inside of Channel Categories.

      Donor Channels:


      The Donor Lounge is located below the Mineverse Channels. This is where Donors and up can go. It consists of 2 Donor Channels; Donor Channel and Donor Channel 2.

      The Music Zone:


      Ways to Play Music:
      Teamspeak Tutorial: Playing Audio from your Computer | Skyblock Forums
      TS3 Soundboard-Plugin - Streaming music and sounds to your TeamSpeak-Server

      There are 3 Music Channels in our TeamSpeak Server, the Music Bot Channel, Music Channel 1, and Music Channel 2. The Music Bot Channel is where you can listen to a Music Bot play various playlists of songs. The 2 other channels are for when you want to play music for others. If you’re playing music in other channels besides the Music Channels when it is not wanted, you may be moved to these channels or kicked from the TeamSpeak.

      Other Games:


      This is where you can talk to people playing other games besides Minecraft. There is a channel for CS:GO, Rocket League, Black Ops 3, League of Legends, and Misc Games.


      Hope this helped some of you people that were confused with TeamSpeak. Happy TeamSpeaking.

      <3 Larry & Mind
      • Like Like x 8
      Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    2. mindsensation

      mindsensation Experienced Member

      May 27, 2014
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      7* :t:
      But yeah, it was fun helping with this in the beginning. Nice thread. :)
    3. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Converted from skyblock to mv. Legit.
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Minecraftnerd234

      Minecraftnerd234 Experienced Member

      May 3, 2014
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      this only for skyblock? lol i don't get teamspeak at all
    5. mindsensation

      mindsensation Experienced Member

      May 27, 2014
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      Mineverse and Skyblock share the same teamspeak3 server. :)
    6. Minecraftnerd234

      Minecraftnerd234 Experienced Member

      May 3, 2014
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    7. bnraiff

      bnraiff Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Nice to know~
    8. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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    9. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      wish people would actually use the teamspeak for mineverse :(
    10. Skylanderdavid

      Skylanderdavid Well-Known Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      This is not infact a gravedig, As it is in the "Help" Section.

      I am the "Donor" Rank on The teamspeak server, Yet I don't have access to talk on music channels...
    11. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      no one on here can help you with that contact a teamspeak mod when they are on...
    12. WorldGuard

      WorldGuard Well-Known Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      Btw you can get a free donor rank on teamspeak just say u donated to mineverse or skyblock
    13. WorldGuard

      WorldGuard Well-Known Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      You frogot to say terrick has all perms on teamspeak aswell
    14. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      That has nothing to do with anything, especially considering I don't have a rank.

      I already fixed that, his mic had a horrible echo, so Cyp gave him -1 talk power, which I removed.
    15. Skylanderdavid

      Skylanderdavid Well-Known Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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    16. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      When a user is on teamspeak, does he talk to everyone on the server (mineverse) who's on teamspeak, or everyone on the gamemode (ex. infection) who's using teamspeak?

      *Or is it just private chat with certain players/chosen players?
    17. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
      Likes Received:
      The second one.
    18. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I need help with mac D:
    19. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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    20. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      it's a guide...
    21. OffTask

      OffTask Well-Known Member

      Mar 27, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Help me ;-;
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