Hi everyone, I would like to offer the following items on the following game modes for an upgrade to Titan. I am currently God rank. IGN: GizzBots Current Rank: God Wanted Upgrade: Titan Upgrade Cost: $150. -=- What I am offering -=- Kit PvP - 15k In-Game Money - 1 God Apple OP Factions - 1 Million In-Game Money - 2 Stacks of God Apples - 2 Stacks of Creeper Eggs Prison - A set of P4 As you can see, this offer is for those who generally enjoy KitPvP, OP factions, and maybe OP PvP. The items included on the other servers are only to 'sweeten the deal', and as people who play Kit PvP would know, 15k is a large sum of money. I would've liked to find someone to do this deal before the special goes away but this is still a good deal. Please, post here if you are interested.
Also, if items/money are not wanted on certain gamemodes, but you are still willing to do this deal, I will happily keep them. :P
The OP pvp stuff is pretty easy to get. I got about 17 stacks of gapps, sharp 25 is useless to me so I just leave my god kit on the floor. I always carry 8 sets of prot 5 so ...
That's just an extra that's on the table. Nothing on OP PvP is really worth anything so.. Look at the KitPVP // OP Factions offer. ;)
Gizz, I just want to warn you, that titan is not worth it's money. It comes with all the God stuff, and maybe a few more commands.. If I was you, I would keep your stuff, and keep God rank.