Discussion in 'Discussion' started by RakionMV, Nov 2, 2014.
Thought you were talking to me :P
I would have tagged you ;-; anyway back on topic
Post et ;-;
http://chirb.it/MB1kdr Nothing compared to Carolyn's voice...... c;
Blank Space - Taylor Swift http://chirb.it/sb1EzO EDIT : The Hanging Tree http://chirb.it/ICOnqL
YAAAAAAASS RAK SLAAYYYY <33 466435779855326796426796327/10
^ @PinkStr3ak
I'll get to it soon c:
This is actually good :D
Holy shizzle.
darude sandstorm
I bought a ukulele so I learned Riptide. C: http://chirb.it/v7sqfk
I'm really bad at singing. But I can maybe play the cowbell... ._. lmao
You're amazing at singing and playing ukulele... Just amazing...
Bootiful 12030213021301032120369969696969/10
I'll sing Anaconda, Not now though.
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade http://chirb.it/qPOKFJ Just put the volume up if it's too soft.
Wow... You're amazing two... <3 Such a soft voice... I keep replaying it xDDD