After reading some of cyps post and Others like yours i agree. this will make reporting easier and banning easier because people wont go crazy on reports if they get reported
Mods jobs will be easier because there will oly be one person posting on the thread so yeah this is a good update
Yes and no. Like I said in the thread you cannot view other threads but your own so if your report thread get archived only you could see it no one else. I've cleared the ban appeals and reports. If you had a report thread just simply re-create it, sorry.
I think, as a suggestion, you should re-do all appeals, and re-stricken the terms of appealing their bans. I'v noticed that 1/3 of people lie in their appeals, should make it that lying in appeals, is a straight denial? Guessing this can be removed.. lol
I just want to say i bet more reports will start happening because people will feel like safer when reporting and that they wont get abused
I know... @CypriotMerks, if you could talk to the crew, about making some rules stricter? or at-least make lying a straight up denial.
I don't think you understand. Moderators can't catch all liars because some people are very good at lying.
@CypriotMerks we wanna see whats going on and if there not banned yet not to walk into them and fight a hacker.