How old are you? 10 years old. I turn 11 in February. Your in-game name: heyitstalia2004. Most people call me Talia. What timezone are you in? GMT -4 or Eastern. What country do you live in? The United States Of America What languages do you speak? English and a bit of Spanish. Why do you think you should become a mod? Well, I am a kind person, responsible, mature and I handle stressful situations pretty good. I also am tough on rule breakers. If someone breaks a rule, I can get very tough on them. Qualifications: Respectful:I am very respectful. If someone decided to start an argument I would kindly ask them to stop and at the same time would not be rude/inconsiderate. Helpful:Most of the time, new players ask questions in chat, am I answer them as fast as possible. Most of the time I will send out a message in chat saying to message me questions or concerns and if they need help and it seems to help out a lot of players. Good grammar/spelling:I have a very good vocabulary and I don't tend to make spelling mistakes too often. Goes with grammar too. Fast typer:I seem to be a very fast typer. I normally respond to messages in about 20 seconds and a little longer if I am dealing with something or someone else at the time. Afk:I don't go Afk very often, so it helps. If if I go Afk for more than 3-5 minutes, its probably to help my mom with something. Mature:I am very mature. I won't start an argument if I don't get my way as most people do. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Pretty much as long as I can be active on net. A few hours a day. 3 on weekdays. 5 on weekends. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Eh, maybe since June but I'm familiar with the server. Especially Hellblock since I used to play on it when it was its own server. Have you ever been banned in the past? No and I don't plan to be. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes. I have been demoted for kicking without warning on a server, and am currently a trial mod on another server. And I had resigned from a moderator position on another server. Also, an older moderator that has resigned named Joecobo taught me some things about ban messages. Which servers do you wish to moderate? Op prison and skywars if possible. My application is not long because I do not like long applications. I like to put just the answers simple. I throw in a bit more just for the sake of the application. I think longer applications are boring and I even fell asleep reading my old one it was that long. So if you are saying to add more detail, this is good enough. It never said to write a full blown out essay. Thanks for reading. And please, if you're commenting "Support" "half support" or "No support" Please explain why you think that way. Thanks.
Might wanna add more detail and bold the questions, but I support, you're active, nice, helpful, good luck Talia.
I understand you are new to the forums and all, but you really need to get to know the community more before making an app. Just a suggestion. Good luck.
^ Thanks. I'll work on at least getting member and adding more detail. I was at a rush during the time I was making my app.
^An age is just a number. I am quite responsible and few people really think about that. I get that it concerns you though, but think about it. Maxninja is 12. And I will try to add more info, there really isn't a whole lot I can think of at the moment.