Heyo guys...as what you have seen in the thread title...I'm leaving mineverse. I'd like to thank all these people for making my life in Mineverse for 1 year. @havoc3421 @SuperHeroSean @haleyisamazing @Laura_or_is_it @Pile_of_Butts @Noobcrew @BonBob7 @fastuhnap @blakkerz @Kubasliz ® @mili20 @HipsterChick @Buntobaga @Grayson @BlueberryWaffle @Bradg14DoesSkyblock for scamming me @AlphaMineron @GUSH3RINVADER @IN1NJAI @xRisingxXxCometx @EnderGirlMC28 @Asfjeromecats @sugarlemonade @Imperial_Mint @bnraiff @bensf @NoobCupCake @Dopey_Crafter @SooperAwesome @Lochie52 @davetheking12 @jawbreaker86 @Ares_Xena @cool_777kid @Maxtekker1 @HyperPigman @Gwism @bran_mla @Exodus <3 @Inked_Cat @Twix_PB @Jojoaidan @DerpDuhDerp @Potionmixer <---Noob @tobyranger12 And everyone else that I know. @Ares_Xena is now the leader of Exodus be proud!If you need help call me through realms or Skype Reasons why I'm leaving 1. I have grown too bored 2. Some corrupted mods 3. The number of hackers and "Smart" people unbanned 4. Abuse of friendship (Especially mods) eg. Some guy gets reported and instead they are getting banned they were let off unless another mod comes in and ban him. But even with these problems it was fun until I could not handle this anymore. The number of cyber bullies have grown to an extreme rate,the number of hackers have gone up too.Mods are still doing their job but some of these mods are being to kind to some players.Number of DDOS has been increased as well as for those who were banned last time is now unbanned to do their mistakes again. I'm sorry..I just can't anymore.
I Agree with those reasons why you left. #3 though, am i right? im looking at you In1njaI you smartass hacker
I showed a random redditor Mineverse, Here is what he said I looked at a couple of forums on there, seems like a but load of drama at every turn. My advice is cut your losses and get out now while you can
Ichida, my honorable friend. You have brought joy to us, made us laugh when we were sad, and showed us your great leadership over Exodus. You have grown Exodus into something big, strong, and powerful. I will treat Exodus with the respect it deserves, and take the rightfull place, as Leader/Owner. I will most likely make an updated thread/list of members, and recruiting people. You will always be on that list as [Creator] I hope to see you return one day, but reality disagrees. We will meet one day, but until then: Goodbye Ichidna.
a person will be missed, a companion, a hero, a ichidna and most of all our friend. well see ya. p.s can you add me to the realms? p.p.s will more people be promoted? p.p.p.s i'm not leaving. i have loads to stay for. like friends, opfacs, infection and to be the skywars king. last but not least to stop dupers and hackers.
Lol, KRTXINFECTION didn't want to fight anyways, so I ain't using V.I.Ps, I decided to stop fighting after Ichidna left It's nothing if there is no boss