OK so on skyblock a few days ago there was a new plugin added. The private chest sign thingys. Well before it came out there was a sign at spawn that said that you could do this now. So I went back to my island to try it out. Because the plugin wasn't added yet I put a sign on a chest that had my most valuable items in it. I had seen this plugin on some other servers before so i knew how it worked. I put a sign with and wrote [private] on top, thinking it would automatically add my name, but this was before the plugin came out so it didn't. I didn't destroy the sign on it, so when the plugin did get added It thought the chest belonged to someone called "." apparently and I cant get in! I had a ton of diamond things I got from trading with villagers and stuff. Does anyone know how to get in this chest??!! or can and staffs remove the private sign? I already talked to a mod but they had no idea what to do. This Is what it looks like I cant destroy the sign or add my name to it Someone please help!
No it's ok now that that plugin got removed I took off the sign and it's fine can you plz close this?
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