Hi, i have been noticing that people have been posting reports, and has not been looked at and cannot be looked at when moderators are on can someone please just be more active or get more staff thanks this is also in game aswell the staff basically just come on to unban someone !
Incorrect. Staff do their bests, to make this place a better community. They come on, in their OWN SPARE TIME to play, and help this server out. They don't need to be on 24/7 just because someone hacked, or someone isn't doing the right thing. They all have lives, and they all have families that they need to spend time with etc. Also, when it's this time of year, the exam period has started, and it goes, from basically October to the end of school, beginning of the christmas holidays. Please be grateful that you have staff members, coming on in their spare time, working, to make this server / community, a better place.
Staff have lives they get to the reports quite quickly. My reports get handled in 5-10 minutes of the posting and I don't tag or anything they do their jobs you just don't notice.
I find this is going to be a flame war. And fyi the staff do come on not just to ban people, please get your facts straight before you start accusing people
Staff try to help and don't be mad at them if you are its something they chose to do for fun and waste some of their time on it.
Some1 better lock this thread before things get out of hand :P. Anyway, I'm not going to repeat what has already been said above, but you should give Mods a break.