I know on the other reports, it says not to post on the reports unless you were directly involved. If this needs to be deleted, please do so. I just feel it needs to be said that I feel tin15cro is being picked on. He has had Prison Guard for less than 24 hours and already has 2 reports on him. I can honestly say that I was not online when the 2 cases happened so I cannot add to them either way. But please think about this, no one is perfect. He has had less than 24 hours to get the hang of things. I am on and not afk for too much of the day. I see most of what all goes on in the prison chat. I believe that tin15cro will make a good prison guard. If I reported everyone, for everything that they do wrong, prison would be in trouble. I feel like a mother hen with some of these kids because they are my friends. I fuss with them at times, have fun with them, do my best to take care of them, and its all good. For those that don't already know, I am tctwhite's mom. I am a hard core gaming momma. All of you that are my buds, know how I am. With that being said @tin15cro, by doing this, Ive gone up to bat for you. Please don't make me regret it. Ok, I've unruffled my feathers and I'm off my soap box now, carry on Happy Gaming! -Dyna
That's pretty sad for a mod to be picked on the first day. I wouldn't like it to happen to me too. Anyways, @tin15cro , I was looking at your mod application and it's pretty funny/amazing how you got Prison Guard with such a small app :P Well, if I didn't get the chance to greet you, hello, and welcome to Mineverse, and good luck moderating!
Exactly herobineator, I did witness camel picking on him this morning. I just don't appreciate a new employee being picked on. Its not fair to the person who is trying to learn their job. Everyone makes mistakes. Again, I don't know exactly what happened, but I think he should be given a fair shot.
We aren't picking on him at all, in his application he said he knew the rules, since he is Guard he thinks he can do whatever he wants and not follow the rules. I don't feel bad for him at all, he's not active on the Forums at all and just plays like normal players. I think he should have waited a bit longer to apply for Prison Guard. He can't speak proper English and he never replies to threads that he is supposed to be involved in even when he is online.
fair point conor but u have to give him a chance as dyna said. also I rly don't like how camel was picking on tin, he actually boasted about how he had got 4 guards demoted and that tin would be his 5th
Camel45 never got a single Prison Guard demoted, lol....There wasn't even 5 Prison Guards ever on Mineverse, unless you are including the Moderators. I know I have a fair point, I just think he should have waited awhile before applying for Prison Guard. He obviously doesn't know what it takes to be Prison Guard, like I said above he thinks he can do what he wants because he was promoted to a Staff Position.
yes I see what u mean. to be honest I was a bit cheesed of about him getting it so quick when he isn't that well known, ive applied and ive been part of this community much longer than tin. I agree conor I don't really think tin properly appreciates the responsibility enough to be a guard yet
I don't know how Tin got promoted or whatever, but people bashing on him because he's new and doesn't know everything is just plain idiotic. All the staff had their first days, in fact, even I was picked on by UncleUrnesto (even though I wasn't reported or anything), but these first day, even first week reports need to stop. At the very least, only report him if he actually does something 100% abusive, like stealing things on purpose. Not the stuff that can be easily taught to him.
Since the reports section creation and promoting of mods this has all happened. Most new mods are reported atleast once within 48 hours of moderating its like a community hazing.
It can really be hard for some new people in the community they might not know how to do everything but they will get the hang of it.