Cheez2009's Parkour Guide! Introduction I've been helping players with parkour courses 1-12 repeatedly, I know some other Completed's and higher course players have been as well. So, instead of the lower course players spamming the higher ones for help, ("PLEASE CHEEZ, I NEED HELP WITH VIII!! or.. How the heck did you complete this cheez?") I though i'd make this so other players can refer them here. Tips If you are on the 2nd or 3rd floor of the parkour tower and are annoyed of climbing up the stairs every time you fall, type /warp floor2 or /warp floor3 to warp to those floors. If you don't have a slime ball in your 5th slot of your hotbar due to a glitch, you can type /hide instead. Don't rush, timing is everything. Always judge the jump before you attempt it. Don't let frustration get the best of you when you fall and start cursing and spamming in chat. Let's keep Mineverse clean please. Parkour is supposed to be fun. The moment you start screaming in your own house let's you know that maybe you should take a break before starting again. Grab a drink, watch a T.V show, go outside. You'll get refreshed senses and be able to chill and parkour again. 3rd person mode helps more in some cases that others! Without sprinting, your Minecraft character can jump 2 blocks maximum. Whilst sprinting, your Minecraft character can jump 4 blocks maximum. Last of all, the only way to get better is to practice. You won't fall off the edges of blocks if you're crouching. A lot of people finish off with a crouch at the end of a jump to ensure their safe landing. Types of Parkour Standard Jumps (block to block) Roof Jumps Stair Jumps Corner Jumps Ladder Jumps Ladder Climb Cactus Jumps Ice Jumps Water Jumps Soul Sand Jumps Narrow-block Jumps (e.g. fence, glass pane, iron bar) Redstone-based Jumps FAQ Ask any question you have regarding Mineverses Parkour and I or another veteran traceur will answer. Video Suggestion (Explains Ladder Jumps very well.) I know a lot of you have the most trouble with ladder jumps since the parkour has that type as the majority. Thought this would help since he explains and shows how to do it very well. Updates I will have one video tutorial for each course in the near future. Course #1 - I Difficulty Rating - ✭✬✩✩✩ Spoiler Course #2 - II Difficulty Rating - ✭✬✩✩✩ Spoiler Course #3 - III Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✬✩✩ Spoiler Course #4 - IV Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✬✩✩ Spoiler Course #5 - V Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✭✩✩ Spoiler Course #6 - VI Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✬✩✩ Spoiler Course #7 - VII Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✭✩✩ Spoiler Course #8 - VIII Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✬✩✩ Spoiler Course #9 - IX Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✭✭✩ Spoiler Course #10 - X Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✭✭✬ Spoiler Course #11 - XI Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✭✩✩ Spoiler Course #12 - XII Difficulty Rating - ✭✭✭✭✭ Spoiler
This will be useful for others! Thanks chezby for taking your time and putting effort Into helping the mineverse community!
Yeah, I'm pretty good at it too but looks like a lot of the community struggles with it as they get stuck on II.
Nice tutorial Chezby! This will help me and other players on Parkour, this way, we can help clean up are chat!
It's possible to jump 3 blocks without sprinting. I've done it a few times before but it's extremely difficult. Good guide. But I'm stuck on level 6 nd I can't get past the part where there are blocks above you. Any tips?