A detailed guide to Advertising. Advertising is the promotion or intentional publicizing of a product or service. In Minecraft, it's a bit different. Advertising is one of the highest offenses on Mineverse. People advertise warps, servers, and other services related to Minecraft in the current scenario (Twitch streams, youtube links, and even channels). Here's a quick break down on what types are illegal, and what types are condoned. Use this before making a report, if you wish. Illegal types- -Minecraft servers (NON NOOBCREW OWNED) Ex. "Join notarealIP.com! Free admin! {Note} Server names are bannable as well. -Websites that contain inappropriate content Ex. "fakeillegalsite.com is amazing and free! -Message advertising Ex. "Message me to get the IP for my awesome server!" {Note} Talking about your server is okay, but if you bait other players into asking for the IP, and give it out on the forums or in game, you will be banned. Tell the IP somewhere other than mineverse. -Deathwarps Ex. "Type /warp diewarp for diamonds!" (You will get banned for doing this.) -Real life products Ex. "Try supplement xyz for muscle boosting!" -Youtube Channels/Links (Global chat/unwanted PM) Ex. "Subscribe to "testpurposesonly" for awesome gameplay of Shooting Games! {Note} Must not have anything to do with Mineverse to be illegal. Some mods do not ban for this, others do. Best to stay away from this entirely. Legal types- -Warps (Skyblock, Survival, Hellblock) Ex. "My new warp, /warp djdjfhopwilspwls has a new food section!" -Drop parties and giveaways Ex. "Iron drop party at the spawn" or "First to find me wins a mob spawner!" -YouTube links Ex. "Here's the tutorial you requested, John" {Note} Do this in private message. Rule of thumb- If it's controversial, don't do it. Make sure to use the right report format: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. (Creds go to @Tkjpie).
Change skyblock to mineverse in like the second paragraph. :p EDIT: And first. And all the other times. xD
Whoops~ Anyway, here's the original guide: http://www.skyblock.net/threads/guide-to-reporting-advertisers.55360/ Thought this should be on mineverse forums too
When you say "server names are bannable too" that's incorrect. It's only advertisement if you say the ip
Wait. I thought you are allowed to give the IP of the server to the person through Private Messaging if he/she asked for it?