Kits that cost in-game money: /kit Special /kit commander /kit captain /kit (I forget the name, But the first one on the wall) /kit tempest Kits that you obtain by logging in: /kit fight Kits that you get by voting:/kit tempest
What about /kit weekly that just gives you full diamond and a dianond sword?. That might make it a bit more fair:P
To me it seems like the kits MINEVERSE has can actually stay i mean to be honest you can get a free rank on the server kit commander and the commander rank. Then you can get special for free! It seems fair to me. Also if you are good at pvp you can get the kits on the sign walls and they are very cheap :D
1 if any of you guys played with out opening you mouth about a year ago major cost $350 in game and CAPTIAN cost $800 they added it to da wall for newbies