ehhni decided imna quit kitpvp answer Mabel mineverse so I'm selling my accounts so pm @samuelgamer123 and schedual a time with him to pay him some money undecided yet and pay him And u get all 11 of my accounts
Adios! I'm not into the "alt trade". Thanks for the offer tho. Thank you once again for acting like you know everything.
"Do not share your personal information with anyone. This includes but is not limited to: IP addresses, Minecraft Account(s), Email accounts, and Skype profiles."
"Do not share your personal information with anyone" In order for a sale to take place, one person must purchase an item and the other must give them that item, if the one person doesn't give that item it's neither selling or giving, in which case is not illegal. If that were the case, this thread wouldn't exist other than to say goodbye.