Irl, I'm a really goofy person. (Around close friends) I'm always the one that tries to get others to laugh or make them feel better. Other than that, I'm mostly very quiet and am a Loner. I usually only show my goofy, idiotic side when others are down. There are some reasons to why I'm quiet irl. When I was younger I was bullied a lot. When I would try to say something these bullies would just call me ugly, horrible names. I tend to be very shy and quiet around others because I'm afraid that If I draw any attention towards myself, I felt that I would be singled out and made fun of. Like when the first time you ever meet me in a Skype call, I don't really talk much. I've learned to be a good listener rather than some one who runs your ears off though. If anyone is being bullied and you just need some one to talk to or listen to what you have to say, I would not mind one bit Listening or giving advice to what you are going through.
Irl, I'm alone mostly 90% of the time throughout the day, oh yea forgot, I don't really have friends irl. I am not social; I do not socialize much or at all, I usually enjoy being alone . I am considerably shy (I guess this could fit in with being not social.) Well, don't want to get touchy, but I suffer from depression; Pretty much all the time you'll usually find me like that. Online, well, I'm exact opposite of irl side, except for the shy part. So ye, that's how different I am from irl.
irl I'm well shy and i don't social-lize at all really I'm home schooled cause of bullying... minecraft makes my day
mineverse- HAHAHA REKT HAHAHA I'M THE BEST I HAVE 30000 FRIENDS AND I'M QUEEN OBEY ME real life- ...hi... Basically I'm 3000x more confident and cocky on the internet because I'm the most insecure person in real life and often think that my own opinions aren't important enough. Real life, I have my friends that I love lots, and lots, but I don't normally pluck up the courage to talk to people. If you've ever called me you'd have noticed that lol
His name is Knips, and he needs an upgrade to VIP. He doesn't have much stuff, but I can give you money/items if you need?