You know how easy it is to get an IP on this forum? You clearly are unaware of which you speak, I'll stop posting on here, but I wasn't trying to argue, and this was to show that you don't accept my opinion, you want me to leave for it.
I'm actually reading what your writing. Are you reading what I am? I am counteracting and backing up my points where as you are just making bland statements. I'll also apologise that I get annoying with someone making statements without backing them up. Eg. "Mods are re-banning major threats." I bet they aren't.
@Vampiric I don't care for ratings, but I'll let you know that I disagree with every post you have made too. Spiteful much.
Stop arguing. @Vampiric has made many great points. You have made about 1, That hackers are bad. That's your only good point. You think it's hard to DDoS someone? Search up "booter" buy a web browser one, add them on skype and resolve them. Stop talking about something which you know nothing about, Do you want to know who was banned? TheSteeFlame, PotionMixer ect. Most major DDoSers and account hackers. Hackers can be forgiven, Account hackers and DDoSers most of the time can't. It really is not hard to record someone again. Do you really want a reward for reporting people? I think that helping the server is the best reward you can get. It's not Crews or Merkz fought that everyone got unbanned. It was a mistake which was bound to happen, You can't blame them for that. Honestly... If you want Mineverse to stay alive then just keep reporting and recording. I thank you for reporting people, But some people do deserve chances. Find it from the bottom of your heart to give them that chance, If they do the wrong thing again they will be banned you have to understand that. Thanks.
Also gonna add Kaoslegit(When Th3N1ck hacked him) was re-banned for account scamming(A major offence I was referring to.)
Ok yes, so I am very anoyed about this today I got scammed 5k....... The player who did this was banned.... I forgot his name....I was pretty anoyed. So when everyone got UN banned who was BANNED, things changed. I hate it.
meh. The only thing that bothers me about the ban reset (if it is a thing) is that it's effectively reversed all the f***ing time I spent on this place, all the effort and stress...
I love that the ban list has reset. And, all the hackers are back . That means, more hackers to slay . Mineverse will never be amazing without rule breakers. By busting the rule breakers, you get excitement out of it, thus making you want to keep playing. So I definately support that the list was reset :D
No point in complaining about everyone being unbanned IMO. Nothing can/will be done about it, so you may as well keep on reporting players as you go. Also taking a while (say 2 days) to ban someone in-game isn't the end of the world. I can understand, and agree, that 3-4 days is too long, but below that is being a little harsh IMO. You don't know what the specific Mod might be doing or going through.
You have been mini moding quite lately shouldn't an staff make this. And @Vampiric has stated many great points.
I don't mind the banlist being reset. it gives mods more work and us players more of a challenge to catch them and report