@davisabog first go on google. 2. Go to history. 3. Go to extensions. 4. Go to browser adblocker and click the trash bin and done.
If it's sweet page just go under control panel and go to uninstall a program and find sweet page and uninstall it.
You no absolutely nothing about PC's. You said Removing adblocker is stupid. It helps prevent adware. Then you said Do you not understand how many different type of Adware there is out there? They all hide in many programs, registry, etc. You can't expect it to be 1 Adware solution. 1 other thing I like to point out, is that you state I am not trustworthy yet every review on my service thread is completely positive and no negative comments. Even CypriotMerks has vouched for my services, as well my thread has a sticky so that proves my point on how trustworthy I am when I give my expertise about this touchy subjects.