Well said. Thank you for the constructive criticism. Frankly I think it's great to hear opinions from the viewpoint of others.
Omfg. Are you my twin brother? There's literally nothing there that I could disagree on. This is exactly how I feel atm.
Any more replies from mods? Or are Christi, xel, mine and glaad the only ones who feel like that this is right? Because, last I checked, thats not 24.
Don't go expecting everyone to reply. I was linked to this via other staff, they have seen it and chose not to voice any opinion, either positive or negative, for their own reasons. As much as I think we all need to see the situation from your side, you should still respect the staff as people with the rights to ignore this altogether. In the end, it really isn't up to you what happens to them so unless Cyp picks up on this and does something they don't HAVE to change anything. Once again, I'm not saying your insight here wasn't a valuable tool that we all should use, but yeah.
The first mod ever to actually admit they are lazy. I think I just fell head over heels for you. 15/10 would respect forever
I've always admitted to being strait lazy, especially after I became a solid member of the team. Most of the older staff did this, I've just managed to stick around by being highly useful in a few different ways. That's not what this is about. If anything this is about us seeing our issues and fixing them, not about some high and mighty players thinking the staff should be banned. Your message here tells me one thing, you want a server with no mods so you can get away with breaking all of the rules. mi no gusta.
I'm sorry. As I said before, I'm *only* human. I have recently lost a member of my family, and that really affected my recent actions. "We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it."
I agree with this. A lot of the things that happen, or in this case, don't happen, are because of laziness or forgetfulness. For example, as you said, the introduction section, the report section, the help section, etc.
Server to do list: Make higher mods, like scofu to look after the jr mods, get more mods (and make rules stricter), and ask mods to not accept ban appeals if they have been banned over 3 times, also we need mods to be more active.
Can't believe I'm saying this to you @DjRyan, but you have more guts to say this kind of constructed criticism than a lot of us. I really do agree that this needs to be addressed, and that standards need to be solidified. Thanks for posting this, it can really change things. @PopIs_MyLife I feel you buddy : <
Not sure what to say, other then I obviously got consequences for posting in reports recently. And even when I didn't, I was posting with the full knowledge that I may get warning points, it just was worth it to me. Lastly, Pops wasn't the only one who saw my posts and did nothing, so don't pin my example completely on him. And when you're called out by name on a report, I think its okay to stand up for yourself and whoever was involved. But if its still too much, no problem. Not planning to enter discussion much around here anymore anyway.