Well, before I start, let me express that I understand this will get alot of hate from loyalists, but I dont care really, I prefer to look at the truth Instead of having a deluded knowledge, as Ive been banned 7 times this month for ridiculous things whilst others have not. So, disclaimer, if you happen to be biased about anything, turn around, and read something else. Ty (^_ ^) (^_^). Ps. If your gonna read this, please read it all the way. Well, where do we even start. The moderating system along with the moderators is, for lack of a better term, corrupt. Heres how. Topic #1. Posting in reports & ban appeals This one infuriates me the most. Certain mods feel themselfs able to choose who is deemed to post in a appeal and who shall not, to their judgement. Here are the rules: 3. Minor Offenses Posting in Ban Appeals, Reports, or Help when not directly involved or adding evidence. Repeat level 2 offences can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 3 infraction. So, to my knowledge, everyone who posts in appeals and reports without DIRECT, SOLID, AND UNDISPUTIBLE EVIDENCE Shall be banned. Well, no, not in some mod's eyes. Here is a perfect example: Here, @Conor Walton Posts in a report and gets his warning point and his ban. http://gyazo.com/89a026aba155b91c4f43a262ede9339d Link: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/op-facs-lionbdcraft-christi-invalid.31343/#post-312899 And now, another example. @Gemmalove Posts in many reports, enough to get a months ban, yet nothing happens to her, even though she is a experienced moderator on .net. Whats the difference I ask of you mods? Whats the difference between me, Uncle, Ninja, Firo, Mpg, Whoever it may be, And Gemma? Is it that she is a very friendly (compliment gemma) and outgoing? or is it the Mod Card passing though servers? I dont see no tags. Either way, This is the plain definition of being corrupt. Its not just her, but shes a good example. Post #1: http://gyazo.com/63ba240d66162cca4f70675a7fcbf69e http://www.mineverse.com/threads/pop_is_life-stealing-pending-scofu13.31665/ (Ps. Pops has been reported for it yet still hasent removed it or added warning points, and he closed his own report) Post #2: http://gyazo.com/eab7c8f8acc0dc034e7e47c8d35b008d http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mcnerd234-abusing-the-rate-dumb.31518/#post-315507 Post #3: http://gyazo.com/9330b2816436198754ae49463493d0c2 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ki...ng-her-job-scofu13-invalid.29424/#post-292082 Post #4: http://gyazo.com/0ee09bb480549dbb07039a73710d1b70 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/lola-spam-scofu13-invalid.28325/#post-279752 Now see, I will stop here, Because if I go on, I will go over character limit. Basically, she is allowed free reign, and If I posted like this, I would be banned for 3 months. Yeah, really fair guys. And you cant give me the excuse "We didn't notice", because in most of those threads, multiple mods posted. This has happened to me a countless amount of times, im done with this. The Big question I want you all to ask is, "why the hell are some people allowed, Yet others aren't"? Surprising? Let me blow your mind further. Topic #2: The introduction section Ahh, this one brings me a good chuckle. As always, lets read the rules. "There is no need to create more than one introduction. One thread is fine and if you feel like you're missing something in your first introduction thread you can always use the edit button. Thanks. :D" Now, While you watch the pages of 2nd & 3rd intros, please play the following as a helpful tune Lets begin: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ill-go-ahead-and-make-another-intro-because-i-can.25061/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/leaving-intro.25162/page-2#post-303424 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/this-intro-tho.29073/page-2#post-289142 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/im-back.29833/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ichidnas-latest-intro.30699/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/leaving.28576/ Please, my mouse will break if i continue, lets stop. This rule should be so very easy to enforce, yet, its not. Either the mods dont care, or we have more corruptness. You can decide. Topic #3: The help section. I don't even have words for this one. I simply cannot. Let me show you the rules: "This section will be used for assistance with site-related issues. Issues can vary from account name changes to permission errors. Using this section for off topic discussion or spam of any kind will be dealt with harshly. Do not post in any thread not created by you." Now, the humility: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/i-cant-do-clear.31402/ Im not even posting more threads, because I would throw my Ipad into my monitor in frustration. I understand people want to help the mods, but the rules are supposed to be enforced! Wheres this "Delt harshly" talk? I see it nowhere! This is absurd! This is too laid back moderating! And then, there is corruptness in this. Certain players I see post in this just ONCE, are warned and infracted with points. Yet, others the mods have no quarrel with are allowed free reign. I mean, im at a loss for words on my disappointment. I have never seen, nor worked with softer mods, mainly because I forced them to follow conduct. And for skyblock.net and org, they are the 100% Complete opposite. And this hasn't been happening. The funny thing is, back in the day of 13 mods, more punishments and more cases were being handled, and now we have almost 30, no would could care less. Its depressing. Topic #4: The reports section. Ok, heres my 2 cents. When there are less mods around, there should be alot more reports right? But, the 13 mods of the day never let there pass 20 reports in the section. Fast forward today, with 3x the mods, and, well, http://gyazo.com/040dee567818536b9e23489ef46b45aa And I have a report from last month still being "Thoroughly discussed"http://gyazo.com/671ea158abc46e2e7f2365ccd3b53524 . Very long discussion I can bet guys. Please, take your time, no rush. Topic #5: Straight up abuse of power: Ie: closing your own report, ignoring others, using excessive force, You get the idea. I feel "Condescending" Should fall under this too. The one who disappoints me the most is you Pops . You closed your own damn report, you have been trained on procedure for 2 months almost, you should know better. This is the final thing that made me lost hope in this community. Conclusion See, I could have went on about more things happening, it was just to depressing to go on. I was debating reporting every single one of these instances, but I realized, we would have almost 6 mods left if I did. The point of this is a warning to all the lacking and corrupt mods, my message is : Im coming for you, and may you head this warning, because I dont go easy. I understand I will hear a boat load of excuses for these actions, but the time of excuses are over. None of you are new. This is not a threat, this is a warning. Get it out of your mind that you can keep making excuses for your laziness and impudence . The time for change is now. If you don't want to change, may you face the consequences of a pissed of Dj A great quote from one of my favorite people of all time "So much attention is paid to the aggressive sins, such as violence and cruelty and greed with all their tragic effects, that too little attention is paid to the passive sins, such as apathy and laziness, which in the long run can have a more devastating effect. " -Eleanore Roosevelt I could care less if you hate it with rates and flame, it just makes me feel good that I have actually stood for something and not backed down from what I believe. I hope you actually read it, not just the first few lines. You ask why this community has 95% hate? Heres your reason. You ask why Sr. Members and Mods clash so much? This is why. Never ment to offend anyone. Have a great afternoon. -Dj Edit: I have the feel after consideration you need to see this for yourself's and comment mods. I am tagging you all and Im hoping that I, and the community, can get a sutible Answer.
She's a Net mod ;) But nevertheless, I agree with you. Moderators should set an example, and not be biased in any situation. ps. 1st post
Oi oi oi Preach it. But serious, no staff member should be biased. You are selected to be staff, make it count. People state in their mod app that they are trustworthy, yet they are biased.
I agree with Lime, they should set examples and not be biased with their own powers. No matter what player, wether Moderator or WKM or your closest friend or whatever, should not post in ban appeals/reports.
5st I fully agree with you, I've seen so many other people posting in reports but when some other people do it they get warnings. It really is absurd. p.s i watched the jeopardy music, it was great.
Gemmalove has no authority to post in reports, as Dj said. Just because she is a moderator of another one of Crew's servers does not mean she can post in reports here. She posted in on of my reports just yesterday. I agree with you Dj, only the mods should be posting in reports & ban appeals.
It hurts me. All the hope I had after my demotion 'cause I was the last good one aside from glaad, sco, and pile Down the drain.
So I read this and agreed to most of this minus the gemma part. Gemma posts in reports and appeals which she shouldn't, but she seams to get things to happen faster and is more helpful than any of the current mods.
Then she should apply like the rest of us or ask Cyp. That doesn't mean for the time being she has a "Temp-Mod" Tag.
That gives her no right whatsoever to break the rules. I'll put it in perspective (I'm not the best at that, but here goes): A kid is punching another kid in self-defense. You walk over and beat the sh*t out of one of them and claim it was helping when you get arrested, instead of being calm and reporting it asap (hint hint)
is see what your saying... I know she should still be punished, but you have noticed she's more informative than the mods about things and she tends to "act" on reports faster than the mods.
Then it looks like some mods should be gone and replaced if so be. But atm, she can wait on her reply on her app.
Yeah and also she doesn't have the right that terrick does I am pretty sure terrick is an admin and is she no. She is just posting on reports and appeals like there's no tomorrow I think she should learn the punishments that we all went through when we posted on reports/appeals and she doesn't even get an infraction like WTF it's not fair
Definitely some truth to this - but, I doubt anything will change. Props for taking the time to point out the flaw, now it's on their behalf to fix it.
You've brought up some very valid points here, points that even I have failed to see or act upon when I did see them. Mine is a pure case of laziness. I'm not motivated to work, and maybe it is the fact that I see things happening the way they are or maybe I'll never become motivated again, I'm not sure. Perhaps in the near future I will have a chat with some of the senior staff members and Cypriot. We need to create ourselves a rank structure that is prevalent and worth something, ie: senior staff being available to handle issues with the junior staff. With any luck a structure like that would spark and we can get it officialized by Cyp, until then I don't think many of our issues will be changed.