Dude, this is so immature and just not right if they hack record them, there is no need to pay people money to try and get them banned
Yeah, but this is justed making players try to get them banned as Legends might think they hack when the wouldn't and stuff so if it does not work out, some things can go incorrect
If the player is not really a hacked client but is still reported, the Mods will see this and not ban the accused player.
Yeah but there can be some many reports and then they might do a incorrect ban and lots of people can get angry as i said some stuff can go incorrectly
I doubt that will happen. And about only 35% of players on Mineverse go on the Mineverse Forums, so not many people will see this thread. Also not everyone plays OP Factions, so not everyone would want money in it. Also there are many Mods so look at the bans and they make sure to take their time for each ban.
He's a titan or a god ingame i believe :t::pomp: Your mind was just blown by THE Blockypro123. Just saying.
1.Lightningfingers 2.Eastern Time 3.http://www.mineverse.com/threads/op-factions-xxnooobslayerxx-hacking-max-banned.32382/#post-322559
IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-cuzin_bob_frank-hacking-banned-vamesa.32127/#post-320516 IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-meanmachime-hacking-panda-banned.32048/#post-319648 IGN: UnclUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-blockerad-hacking-panda-banned.32047/#post-319641 IGN:UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-daster2-hacking-panda-banned.32034/#post-319584 IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-sparkytron02-hacking-panda-banned.32035/#post-319583 IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-milko199-hacking-panda-banned.32037/#post-319582 IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-mr_makskarbownic-hacking-panda-banned.32044/#post-319569 IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-aleksvevo-hacking-panda-banned.32040/#post-319555 IGN: UncleUrnesto Timezone: Central Link to person banned: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opfactions-shamsnl2001-hacking-panda-banned.32041/#post-319550 This would add up to.....450k :D. P.S I have alot more hackers in my video folder that needs to be uploaded :D