Wow, your a little angry boy aren't you what's rong with me i said " Lets start fresh again" i just want to be friends. MCPJordan and me are now friends..
1. I'm older then you, your the little angry boi as shown by your pathetic behaviour issues and attitude of posts on forums/ingame/on my YouTube channel. 2. I will never team with someone I don't respect. It is evident I don't respect you. 3. I am extremely surprised that Jordan even thought of teaming with you. He doesn't need you. 4. @MCPJordan feel free to remove me from the team. Like I said, truces are much better.
@MCPJordan Frotac said " He Does not want to team anymore" And he does not know why he is in this team he wants to be removed :D
Dude i have never tp Killed :/ I did once a long time a go i got banned and learnt my lesson not to do it. that was 2 months ago i now know to to do it and i havent