There is this guy called kaoslegit. He has a rank [Admin], is it fake or not? I was on op factions and saw this. People were saying he was asking for account details. Screenshot-------
[Admin] is a fake rank also known as "God", it's a $100 donor rank from a while ago, he can get banned for asking for account details however, if there's proof.
The rank [Admin] is not a fake rank. It is a rank that is no longer available. The admin rank was replaced with god. ;)
He also keeps telling people he can get ranks for people and asks for other people's information, if they give him the information he said he will get them a rank.
If there's proof he'll probably be banned for scamming, then again, it's the players' fault for trusting some person with account information...
Lol, from my knowledge it is a hacked account that Th3Nick56 hacked. It has been used and exploited. It is a rank that cost $100 over a year ago, but is now god.