Yes it is. Moronic people these days. Hell I can create a auto-script and it won't be called a hack. Another thing is, Damage indicators are allowed and used by MANY so if it isn't allowed I am about to report half of MV.
I use better sprinting mod. Nothing is wrong with it. It's a toggle sprint. I've always been told it's legal.
I havent. Neither have damage indicators. They all fall under illegal, except no one really cares anymore, so everyone uses them. Lol.
"Hack - In a gaming sense, hacking is generally used to gain an unfair advantage or do something that would otherwise be unacceptable by the rest of the community or the original developers of a game and can get you suspended or banned from a game. It generally changes the game statistically rather than aesthetically. It might change how fast you run, how much damage you do, how many resources you have, or how much HP you have. Mod - In a gaming sense, a mod is generally used to gain a fair advantage. A normal player can do anything a modder can do. Mods are USUALLY acceptable by the rest of the community and the game's developers because they don't GIVE you a statistical advantage, but they just make gameplay smoother and easier in a sense. Mods might change your UI to make it easier to understand, change the animation of a character to something smoother, or change the font of ingame text. Notice that the changes of a mod won't make a difference in gameplay when it comes down the hard stats, whereas a hack would change the outcome completely." Damage indicators help with me reading health easier rather than Mineverse's health bar that is extremely confusing. Are you understanding how it's different from hacks now? Mods make the game better while hacks ruin for other players. @DjRyan Dj, there is a difference between the two. I'm not trying to offend or be disrespectful, but Mods and hacks aren't the same thing. Better sprinting mod is a mod that is not unfair. It's just a toggle. I could do the same thing by holding my finger on the sprint button, that just causes discomfort for me though. I use it to "Make my game smoother and more enjoyable."