Welcome to my Moderator Application Hello before I begin my Moderator Application I would like to speak about a few details. I know I have been banned in the past but I have changed. How old are you? I am currently 11 Years old. Your In-Game name? dothotron What time-zone are you in? GMT What country do you live in? England mate. What languages do you speak? English.Why should do you think you should become Mod? I have many reasons to become a Moderator. I will list them below. Maturity I am at the age of 11 years old and I believe I act older. I always use correct grammar where ever I am and I will never ever go on and cause more arguments, In my opinion arguments are pointless since all it is, is a bunch of words being said at each other. Hatred for Bullying Everyone of my friends know I hate bullies, I would never ever let anyone get away with bullying. Everytime I see someone saying horrible words to someone on a Game Mode I am currently playing on I will tell them to stop and if they don't I will report them. I have report and gotten banned heaps of bullies in the past and I believe I could get rid of more as a Moderator. Trustworthy You can ask anyone I know, I am extremely trustworthy. If someone tells me something they want me to keep a secret I will keep it with me until I'm in my grave. I would also never abuse as I have no mean for the power I just want the ability to help people on Mineverse. Knowledgeable I have knowledge of all the commands that a Moderator has, some of the basic ones are /ban /kick /tempban ect. I know hacks when I see them so when I'm doing a report I doubt I will fail to see hacks or not as I have had experience with many hackers in my time playing Minecraft. Also my fast typing ability allows me to quickly handle situations that are getting out of control. I can act smart in fast situations and always do the right thing. Kindness I happen to be a very nice person. Whenever someone on the Game Mode I currently playing on needs help I will try my best to help them. If anyone has a question, I will always try my hardest to answer it. I know you can say I've been banned for Disrespect before but that was about 5 months ago, Before Grayson was a Moderator and I think that's enough time for someone to change. Helpfulness I have had a tough life and I know what people go through in their lives. If anyone wants to talk to me about something or if their depressed I will always help them as that is the right thing to do. You can ask many people that I am one of the right people to talk about that stuff to. Enforcing the Rules As a Moderator I will enforce the rules. Always. I'm not saying I won't joke around from time to time but when things are serious I will always help. If anyone ever breaks the rules they will receive a punishment. It may be a warning, mute, temp ban or ban but I will always give a punishment for rule breakers. Responsibility Like before I said I will never abuse, well here I am saying it again. I have no reason to abuse at all as all I want to do is help Mineverse become a better server. I know everyone makes mistakes but I will try my best to make hardly any if I get Moderator and if I do make a mistake on something, I will always try my best to fix it. Things about me I live with my single mother in a housing commission house in NSW, Australia. I know how hard it is to go through life without a golden spoon in your mouth when your born. Everyday I go to school and try my hardest because I know I have to help the people surrounding me when I grow older. I will do the same for Mineverse if I am accepted as a Moderator. I will always try my hardest to help Mineverse and it's community. Always. I respect everyones opinion. I really do not like arguing with people as it just brings more grudges and I know some people hate me but I can deal with it. As some people in the comments asked more about me I will write this here. I don't really like writing many personal things about me because I fear that people will judge me for them. But here it goes. I lived with my mother and father. My father was a very bad person, He was was later jailed for fraud. When he got out and when I went to stay with him. He would hit me. A lot. I never really had any real friends through Primary school. I went to High School and met a few good friends. I try to help my mother the best I can as she is disabled, I try but no progress ever gets made. Through the past months I've figured to look at the best aspects of life and continue to them. People will be nice to you if you're nice to them. I am trying my hardest at life but sometimes it gets too hard. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Monday: 3-5 Hours Tuesday: 4-6 Hours Wednesday: 3-5 Hours Thursday: 4-6 Hours Friday: 2-7 Hours depending on which week. Saturday: 5-11 Hours Sunday: 5-11 Hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? I believe it has been 1 Year and 3 Months. I came here before the Factions Reset and when the old spawn was here so it was quite a while ago. Do you have past experience as a Moderator? I wouldn't be applying for this position if I didn't. I have been a Moderator on about 9 Servers. They have usually been new servers that I have found on Planet Minecraft and I have helped about 4 of them make it a little big. Side-Note Please do not hate on this Moderator Application if you hate me. I know I have been disrespectful in the past but I have changed, Many people know I have changed. Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.
No support. I suggest you fix the spelling and grammar errors, and actually put what timezone you are in. Also, Mineverse hasn't existed for 4 years, so it would be impossible to be on since then.
Mineverse has been up for 1 1/2 years... but you've played for 4?... wow you must be experienced. You're on two days in a row?... You have about as much complexity in this app as a chair from Ikea, add detail. Please use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, it looks more professional.
Like they have said, Mineverse hasn't even been here for 4 years. Now you're lying to me. No support, Good Luck Add more info btw
I know this really isn't my place to judge, but you say you are 11, and you don't use proper grammar, spelling, and you don't know what a timezone is. So I am not sure how this is possible.
for the question "What timezone are you in?" the response should be, for example, UTC-08:00 or Eastern Time Zone Sorry, but no support.
I support because you are on everyday and like you said, you have played for 4 years. Are you kidding me? lol Minecraft itself hasn't even been up for 4 years.
Also, try to be a little more formal in your application. Saying "u" and "i know how 2 control things" isn't giving me the right impression. The impression it's giving me is that you rushed in making this app.
Your not mature you dislike everyones post who don't support you. Btw support Lol. (You joking why did I even say that...? Ummm think I'm being sarcastic)